January 16, 2019

New Magazine Preview: Panzer Aces #58 - Big German guns on little wheels (& tracks)...

Panzer Aces has launched its latest edition in English, Spanish & French languages - the subject this time seems to be German softskins with BIG guns - so we think it will be popular. We have some preview images and information of what is coming in our magazine preview...

New Magazine Preview: Panzer Aces #58 
Reference No :PA-0058-EN
A4 in Portrait Format
English, Spanish & French Languages
Price: 11€
2.- 8,8 cm
14.- Sd.Kfz 6/2
26.- Sd.Kfz 7/1
38.- Wirbeldwind
52.- Sd.Kfz 7/2

Page 2.- 8,8 cm
This great modeller from Macao delights us with one of the most mythical subjects of World War II, the well-known "eighty-eight". The assembly of this piece is very complete and complex, detailed with photoetched and home-made elements. The build is topped off with extremely attractive Paintwork, without the use of lighting effects, and finished with great weathering. The overall result is very natural looking.

Page 14.- Sd.Kfz 6/2
Another newcomer to Panzer Aces, in this case from Spain. You can see the exquisite painting technique that José María carries out, both on the vehicle and the figures. The vehicle has a slight modulation that is masterfully complemented with a very elaborate weathering. Panzer Aces also wants to highlight the scratchbuilt base, as well as the figure conversión work.

Page 26.- Sd.Kfz 7/1
Panzer Aces want to highlight the great build and incredible detailing and scratchbuilding which Sergey has accomplished in this scale, 1/72, where the task is especially difficult. The painting equally well done, employing many techniques, including pre-shading. The result is effective and convincing, as you will see.

Page 38.- Wirbeldwind
As always, Angel offers us a magnificently built and detailed work. You can't miss his fantastic explanatory drawings. Not content to share his incredible building and drawings skills, Angel offers us a really attractive winter camouflage with the most convincing weathering.

Page 52.- Sd.Kfz 7/2
A good winter camouflage is always admired. Jenson shows us his particular way of executing it. His painting is based on the lacquer technique, and the use of acrylics and pigments. Of particular interest is his approach to applying these techniques. The result is a very realistic finish. Do not miss this article by this great modeller from Shanghai.

This magazine is now available from the Euromodelismo/ Panzer Aces website.