January 09, 2019

Two new figures to put in your Willy's & to complete a nice set this January from Alpine Miniatures...

Alpine Miniatures has two new figures released this month to complement earlier releases from Alpine. All four of these men are GI's from the Winter in Europe of late WWII. We have two standing figures and two soldiers that can be placed in the Dio with your Willys Jeep. See a little more on them in our new figure preview...

Alpine's new releases for January 2019

WW2 US Infantry Winter
Kit No# 35259 
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms 
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
The first of these figures from Alpine Miniatures is a 1/35th scale GI, wrapped up against the cold with his thick overcoat. Sculpted by Taesung Harmms, and in the case of all of these figures featured today, he is painted on the box art by Dr. Jin Kim.
This figure features the choice of two versions of the M1 standard issue US WWII helmet, and he carries the M1 carbine with a spare ammo pouch attached to the gut of the gun. The soldier on the left below carries the standard Airborne's almost trademark M1 carbine (formally the United States Carbine, Calibre .30, M1) is a lightweight, easy to use.30 calibre (7.62 mm) semi-automatic carbine that was a standard firearm for the U.S. military during World War II, the Korean War and well into the Vietnam War. The M1 carbine was produced in several variants and was widely used by not only the U.S. military but it it's lightweight structure and hitting power made it a favourite of the paratroops.
You can see by his two stripes he is a corporal, while he also carries the GI gas mask back over his shoulder, you may also notice from the side his pants are captured at the boots inside his galoshes which cover them almost to the feet.
From the rear, you can see more detail of the figure, especially the folds of his overcoat, the straps of his bag and webbing that pinch and layer over each other as well as his water flask and canvas cover which are on his right hip.
More ammo on his right hip in a pouch as well as his foldable entrenching tool and canvas cover that is attached to his left hip on this figure.

WW2 US Jeep Passenger
Kit No# 35260 
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms 
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
This soldier is also sculpted by Taesung Harmms in 1/35th scale, and is seen sitting in the passenger side of a Willy's Jeep in this boxart example painted by Dr. Jin Kim
Looking off to the side towards the road (driver's side), he is cradling his Thompson Sub-Machine gun as he looks on to the scene. Popularly called the Tommy Gun, the Thompson in all of its variants served on virtually every front during World War II and the nature of the rapid-fire 9mm bullets combined with the box clip of twenty bullets and compact size and weight made this a highly desirable gun for the paratroopers and mobile troops.
The figure's body language is a little like this officer of the same period seen inside the passenger side of the Jeep
The rank on his helmet front and his shoulder boards tell us that this is a captain,  so naturally being a passenger seems sensible. The previously released figure no# 35242 "WW2 US Jeep Driver" is a natural to be paired with this Captain, and he is offered in a "set" for a few bucks cheaper and also released this month.

WW2 US Jeep Crew Set
Kit No# 35262 
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms 
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
This set features both the new figure we have already seen in this preview as well as the earlier released Alpine Miniatures figure no#35242 "WW2 US Jeep Driver" - they both make a great combo in the Jeep together.
Seen looking off to the side, these soldiers could be waiting for traffic, or even looking and listening on to a conversation in their close vicinity.
The passenger and the driver are both featuring a relaxed body language, with the driver leaning over the steering wheel and the passenger with his leg up - but ready still with his Thompson machine gun in this hand held high.
Now you can get this jeep crew as a pair this very much makes sense to see them in their own combination - of course a few bucks cheaper than the single figures alone.

WW2 US Infantry Winter Set
Kit No# 35261 
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms 
Boxart by Dr Jin Kim
This set of two soldiers is seen in the dark of Winter of  1944/45 int he European conflict. The set includes this month's release of the US GI Winter that we have already looked at plus Alpine Miniature's earlier figure no# 35241 "WW2 US Infantry NCO Winter" who features the "Spades" emblem the 506th PIR on the side of his helmet.
Both soldiers are wrapped up for winter, with their scarves wrapped tightly around their necks inside their long overcoats.
This soldier has a choice of two headgear, first, the M1 helmet "bare" but another choice sees it with the alternate choice of the net camo holding cover over his helmet.
The second figure in this set features a US GI carrying a "grease gun" on his chest over his thick woollen overcoat. He has a choice of the net covered M1 helmet and the bare version also. During the course of World War II, additional research and development resulted in the M3 “Grease Gun” which, with little imagination, one might describe as an American STEN, being a mostly stamped metal alternative to the primarily milled Thompson. By late 1944, the M3 and the Thompson were serving side by side.
You can now purchase all of these from Alpine Miniatures Online Store or their distributors worldwide
If you are in the USA, you can now purchase Alpine products directly from their online store with free shipping (within the US) on all orders.