February 03, 2019

Mantis Miniatures New Figures & Animals for January 2019

Mantis Miniatures has two new figures and a set of animals to kick off 2019. A set or two single Germans wrapped up for winter, and some hungry hungry Hippos swimming around, waiting to be placed in a diorama. See what they look like in our preview...

Mantis Miniatures New Figures & Animals for January 2019

Mantis Miniatures has two single figures and a pair of hippos in 1/35th scale for your consideration this month. The figures feature two warmly wrapped Germans from WWII while the hippos look like they are walling in water from much warmer climes....

WW2 German in Snow  Camo 
1/35th scale
Sculpted by: Nino Pizzichemi
Boxart by: Artur Miniszewski
This German soldier is seen int he picture above and below all built and painted up, he replicates the actual soldier in the picture below right, seen pointing at something in the distance. 

Wrapped up in ha thin white coat over his uniform and another thick coat, he is seen here in thick pants and woollen gloves to suit his chilly appearance.

WW2 German in Sheepskin Coat
1/35th scale
Sculpted by: Nino Pizzichemi
Boxart by: Artur Miniszewski
This figure of what looks like to me to be an older soldier is seen looking very wrapped up. In the colder climate of the Eastern Front the German soldiers all too late got the warmer winter clothes they needed to stay effective and alive during the long, cold Russian winters.

You can see by this comparison below with the original picture used as inspiration for the figure the sculptor has done a great job in capturing this well wrapped up German.

WW2 Germans Eastern Front
1/35th scale
Sculpted by: Nino Pizzichemi
Boxart by: Artur Miniszewski
 These two single figures are put together to make a set of very cold Germans in the ice and snow of the Eastern front during WWII. They match each other in thickness of clothing and purely in their cold and miserable look in this painted up pair.

Animals Set 34
1/35th scale
Sculpted by: P. Szymczyk
Boxart by: Artur Miniszewski
 These two Hippopotamuses - Hippopotomai? are supplied like this painted version below - in two single submerged animals (with a little bird stowaway on top of one of the animals.)
 Seen here in a diorama by Artur Miniszewski, all you need is some water effect to sit them in and in this case some lillypads were added to make this an African water feature, very beautiful but dangerous.
These figures from Mantis Miniatures will be in their Distributors Worldwide soon...