February 06, 2019

Preview: A brand new "Dioramag" approaches...the best of dioramas from Pla Editions

Pla Editions has added a new series to their stable called "Dioramag". A magazine that is focused entirely on Dioramas and the works of past and modern masters. We have the "dope" of what to expect in volume #2 of the series to see if it measures up to the excellent Volume #1 in our preview...

Dioramag Vol.2 
Published by Pla Editions
96 pages
Softcover magazine
A4 Portrait format
English Language
15,00 € 

Subscriptions are also available 
The magazine is published Quarterly (4 Issues per year)
Dioramag Vol.2 is the second in a series of magazines focused on dioramas and scenes. You will find the best articles of the best modellers and writers in the world. Step by step articles, painting techniques, building techniques, showcases, news, reviews and much more.

The contents of the book are fairly packed with smaller features, most of the stories are between four, six or eight pages, with little showcases in the pages between them. Both current and past masters are displayed, with a lot of the very best dioramas you may have seen or know featured as examples throughout this publication.,

3.- Diorama Classics. John Rosengrant - one of our favourites and cover star of issue one gets his own showcase in this issue...
6.- News - In the News section, we see a focus on new and upcoming interesting diorama products and accessories over a few pages.

10.-A workshop showing the uses and application of Balsa Foam from José Brito
22.- Showcase Dioramag. Jean Diorama's Ice, snow and water effects and how the final product looks inside his exciting dioramas.
26.- Mig 29 In Maintenance. A beautiful looking aircraft in it's hangar from talented Korean Modeller Young Seo Kang
32.- Diorama Classics. Marjin Van Gils gives us a surprise in church with his classic scene
36.- "For You The War Is Over" - Bernhard Lustig shows an American surrender to the troops of the German armoured force in the 'Bulge
50.- Showcase Dioramag. Amazing Showcase by Andreas Rousounelis as his back catalogue is explored in a short walkthrough.
54.- Review Shattered Glass - recreating a battered and shattered outer wall and window facade by Alex Friedrich
58.- Japanese Masters  - featuring this time the very talented and always surprising in his choices and perfect finish the great Sumitomo Takahiro
62.- The instantly recognizable and hard to forget scene of the Uprising in Prague 1945 from the talented Ivan Cocker is also showcased
70.- Showcase Dioramag  - this time the talents of Johan Fohlin (and his wonderful RSO's) are shown to full advantage...
74.- Natures Beauty - variety is sure the spice of life - and Andrew Argent brings this scene to life with some supernatural nature in his diorama.
84.- Showcase Dioramag. Robert Doepp and his Panzers and scenes of everyday life for their crews - we are very jealous!
88 & 96.- Ecw Cup Winners Smc 2018 & Scale Model Challenge - one of the best figure and model shows in the world is shown off here in a quick walk around and showcase of the winners.
This magazine is available in single issues or as a subscription, and you can see more of their books at this Link on the Pla Editions Website