February 10, 2019

Read n' Reviewed: schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS) armoured and unarmoured variants

Paul Lee has been reading the latest Volume from Nuts & Bolts publications - #41 features the  popular German WWII vehicle Büssing’s schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS) armoured & unarmoured variants & looks to have them covered in models, research & the real thing. See what Paul thought about this new book in his review...

Read n' Reviewed: Nuts & Bolts Vol 41 Schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS) armoured and unarmoured variants
Authors: Dr Nicolaus Hettler
Format: Softcover 188 Pages Softcover A4 Portrait
Languages: English and German text
Available from www.nuts-bolts.de

Nuts & Bolts continue to take us on their tour of German vehicles of WW2, and volume 41 covers the schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (SWS) half-track. The vehicle came in both armoured and unarmoured versions, and used in a variety of roles, but why take it from me, when N&B do such a great job of it? 
The first section starts off with a description of the other half tracks in German service at the time and then goes into the reasons for the development of the SWS. This section then goes into the development, and various elements of the vehicle including the engine and the tracks. 
The different versions are all covered in both their armoured and unarmoured versions, and also the different fit outs, from the 20mm and 37mm flak funs, 150mm rocket launchers, towing the 150mm howitzer, as well as mounting the Uhu infra-red search light. 
Photos appear throughout the text, as well as the occasional technical specifications, and organizational charts which help show how these vehicles were deployed in their various units.
The photograph section is what appeals to us modellers the most and you get a wide variety of pictures of the SWS in its various roles, as well as this captured one which is always handy for those of us that don’t want to do a stock standard vehicle, or if you are just over “German”.
The next section is a set of line drawings of the SWS covering its various uses from a tractor, to self-propelled Flak, rocket launcher etc. 
 Several types are provided for many different flavours of SWS The plans are in 1/35th scale which will also help the scratch builders out there.
After the line drawings, you are then presented with a series of colour profiles based on actual photos, and with some unit and location of where the vehicle served. 
Next up is the walkaround of the several surviving museum examples of the SWS with good detail pics for those who want to add that extra bit of detail to their models. 
 Interior and exterior pictures are provided. Some of these with original colours and some restored to a high standard. These vehicles are more than often rebuilt correctly which helps modellers looking for accuracy in scale
Speaking of models, the book ends with the various of the vehicle by Tony Greenland and Vinnie Brannigan. As usual, the models are built to a very high standard, and the SWS is fairly well represented by the model kit manufacturers so we get a few more builds than usual. 
For those familiar with the series, nothing has changed and you get the same high quality publication that you’ve been reading for the last 40 volumes. For lovers of the SWS, or if you’re looking for that extra bit of information to help you out on your build, look no further, this book is for you. 

Highly recommended

Paul Lee
Thanks to Nuts & Bolts for sending this book to Paul to read and review