Luft '46 fans rejoice (in 72nd scale style) at the latest full resin kit from Pepelatz Henschel P.130 fighter - this little beast looks great in the boxart, instructions and £D printed masters we have to show you in our preview...

The Instructions:
All new Henschel P.130 in 72nd from Pepelatz.
Preview: Henschel Hs P.130
From Pepelatz
Full Resin kit
1/72nd scale
Cat. PPZ7201
Makers of fine resin kits from Russia, Pepelatz have a brand new high tech resin kit of the paper design Henschel P.130. These guys make some very nice smaller scale kits of X-Planes, paper projects, sci-fi models and other interesting stuff using the latest 3D printing technology.
An artists impression (not half as nice as the boxart) of how the P.130 might have looked
The planned design for the Henschel P.130
The Henschel Hs P.130 was to be the ultimate in design shape for a piston engine fighter, with almost flying wing or delta wing, swept back sharply and a pusher propeller. The nose armament was going to be fearsome, however, like many projects towards the end of WWII, resources and time ran out for the German aircraft manufacturers and designers. This aircraft's plan was however very futuristic and it surely influenced the Americans and some see this design and the P.135 jet fighters as an ancestor similar to Northrop's XP-56.

The kit from Pepelatz
Here we have our first look at the instructions of the resin kit: First the markings and the parts map
The kit is almost upon us - and the 3D printed masters show a lot of the details of the kit and how it looks.
The turboprop Jumo engine parts and the internal landing gear are represented pretty nicely here for the scale and the resin material.
Although Pepelatz' new Resin kit of the P.130 is due this month I would look on their website to find more information on the kit as it nears release very soon.