Darius Miniatures from Poland has been making quality figures for some time, and of recently, they have caught our eye with this magnificent set of figures and stowage to match your 35th scale Jagdpanzer IV kit. They are sold as a group or separately, and we thought that we might give you a closer look at these figures by themselves and together in our preview...
You can see the bag and sag in these thick pants and how his waist is pinched in by the smaller, tighter jacket. The boots with goloshes that gather these trousers in just below the knees give this figure a lot of contrast.
Both of these are combined in this small set, and come unpainted and unassembled in light grey resin and they cost 25 Euro for the pair which is slightly cheaper than their individual price.
You can see his jacket's internal workings from the rear, This was the alternate side of the parka that was a white material for camo in the snow. He comes unpainted, unassembled and cast in light grey resin for 14 Euros.

Placed on the tank and painted up, you can see the stowage subtly poking out through the canvas that covers a lot of the set. I like the way that most of it is covered, as it would be in real life, with some gear poking out. Very subtle sculpting thought here.

We have talked enough about these figures and gar - now here they are, all painted by the sculptor Darius Zwierzynski. The Crew + Accessories sell for a combined price of 63 Euros, which is pretty good for all of this - Just bring your own Jagdpanzer IV!

Darius Miniatures new "Lang" set of figures & stowage for your 35th Jpz.IV
We thought the best way to show you all of this new big set from Darius Miniatures was to show you them unpainted first - then have a look at each of the soldiers and the stowage set, in turn, then look at all of them painted up and placed on a very nice JAgdpanzer IV in 35th scale.
Jagdpanzer IV Lang, W.SS Crew & Accessories
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No #F35036
Crew + Accessories - combined set price; 63 Euro
Here is the full set, with four soldiers, two Waffen SS and two tankers, standing or sitting on their JPZ.IV looking off into the distance - maybe at something in their future or their past it is up to you.
You can see more of the sculpts when they are unpainted, and these figures and the gear kit that goes with them were all sculpted and cast in grey resin by the owner of the company Darius Zwierzynski.
Now, a little look at each of the figures sold separately and in pairs...
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No # F35037
Price; 25 Euro
Two figures in this pair - these two SS Jagdpanther tankers look like a commander and a leader, the obvious giveaways being the thick gloves and goloshes on the loader. The gloves are used not for cold weather, but for loading and unloading hot shells from the breach of the gun.
The Officer with his peaked officer's cap is seen sitting on the commander's hatch here in warm clothing also over his usual SS tunic/panzer wrap in black.
Both of these are combined in this small set, and come unpainted and unassembled in light grey resin and they cost 25 Euro for the pair which is slightly cheaper than their individual price.
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No # F35038
Price; 14 Euro
Sold by himself also - the Officer we have just seen has several other features I must point out - he is made to fit rather specifically on to this tank, although he could be sitting anywhere as long as his palm was flat by his side. Notice his Iron cross on his panzer wrap jacket? Also, the roll necked jumper he has on underneath his tunic and then reversible parka - It must be cold there!
If you want just the officer, he comes unpainted, unassembled in light grey resin for 14 Euro
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No # F35039
Price; 14 Euro
The loader that we have seen previously is here - sold by himself if you like just this one soldier - unpainted, unassembled in light grey resin for 14 Euros. This man is wearing his thick padded reversible parka pants that are so high wasted they almost go up to his titties! (pull 'em up!) You can see the bag and sag in these thick pants and how his waist is pinched in by the smaller, tighter jacket. The boots with goloshes that gather these trousers in just below the knees give this figure a lot of contrast.
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No # F35040
Price; 25 Euro
This second set of figures is also sold as a pair on their own. Even though they do fit in with the other two figures on this tank, these crewmen have slightly different clothing on which brings its own interest to the pair and then to the rest of the vehicle.Both of these are combined in this small set, and come unpainted and unassembled in light grey resin and they cost 25 Euro for the pair which is slightly cheaper than their individual price.
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No # F35041
Price; 14 Euro
This panzer crewman is seen wearing a peaked M43 cap, common with soldiers of the time who either wanted the sun from their eyes or just to keep their head warm. He also wears the woollen thick roll-neck jumper underneath his black panzer wrap jacket. He also wears the think, reversible pants that these tankers and soldiers favoured in Winter.
He also comes unpainted, unassembled and cast in light grey resin for 14 Euros.
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No # F35042
Price; 14 Euro
This soldier is outside his tank, bolt upright - looking on into the distance. In this cast, you can see that he could either be placed upon the tank, or on the ground. He could even be the soldier that is facing the rest of his crew (Maybe had to stop for a pit-stop or something like that?)You can see his jacket's internal workings from the rear, This was the alternate side of the parka that was a white material for camo in the snow. He comes unpainted, unassembled and cast in light grey resin for 14 Euros.
Jagdpanzer IV Lang. Accessories
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No # DA35003
price; 19 Euro
Although only three parts in light grey resin, this set is sold separately if you like for 19 Euro. You can see the pats of the tank and the soldier's personal gear that is stowed in this Jagdpanzer IV very clearly in this excellent sculpt by Darius Zwierzynski
Placed on the tank and painted up, you can see the stowage subtly poking out through the canvas that covers a lot of the set. I like the way that most of it is covered, as it would be in real life, with some gear poking out. Very subtle sculpting thought here.

Even extra camouflage for the front of the tank is included!

Jagdpanzer IV Lang, W.SS Crew & Accessories
1/35th scale
Sculpted & Painted by Darius Zwierzynski
Kit No #F35036
Crew + Accessories - combined price; 63 Euro

We have talked enough about these figures and gar - now here they are, all painted by the sculptor Darius Zwierzynski. The Crew + Accessories sell for a combined price of 63 Euros, which is pretty good for all of this - Just bring your own Jagdpanzer IV!

You can find out more about Darius Miniatures and their whole figure range including Distributors on their website.