August 13, 2019

Do you feel the need? The need for a new F-14? AMK Release their "Super Tomcat"

The day has come for Tomcat fans, the long-awaited announcement of the 48th scale Avantgarde Model Kits F-14D "Super Tomcat" has come with the model is now being sent to model distributors. We have some preview images from AMK themselves of the new kit in our preview...

Do you feel the need?  The need for a new F-14? AMK Release their "Super Tomcat"

F-14D Super Tomcat.
1/48th scale
Kit Number #88007
Release this month (August 2019)
Just today F-14 fans got the choice of another Tomcat in 48th scale with the announcement of AMK's new F-14D "Super Tomcat" release. This kit has been very long in the fruition, but hey - good things don't always come easy, and we have seen lots of features on this kit that can possibly make it the best in this scale fo AMK has done their homework right.

This is the text in the announcement this morning:
"Hi, All,

This should be most interesting to you we guess.

We will send this to our distributors by the end of August 2019 too. If you would like to have one, please contact your local AMK distributor.

Preorders will be sending to you by the end of the month too. Thank you for your support and patience!

AMK Team"

We also have the pictures that they have supplied of the kits sprues and the decals provided by Furball Aero which adds just that little bit extra to this boxing.

The sprues of the aircraft - starting with the main "wing" fuselage with the widely spaced engines prominent.

 Wings with posable flying surfaces are provided as one of two options for this kit.
The wing from an angle showing a little more of the leading edges are shown here.
The wings with the flying surfaces in a neutral position are also included
The whole front cockpit section skin is moulded as one part, with the nose cone as separate. There is no radar assembly for the exposed option in this boxing. We can see an open crew access ladder here on this sprue.
The large framework of the swing-wing is on this sprue. It seems you have the choice at an early stage as to your angle of wing sweep. Either swept back like this option...
...Or fully swept forward like the other sprue offers.
The open and closed afterburner nozzles are included in this kit, along with the two halves of each twin tail are both on this sprue. 
The inflatable wing gloves that are an important part of the flight characteristics of this particular aircraft.
The cockpit frame and the landing gear legs, moulded with hydraulic lines and the under nose TCS & ALQ-100 antenna.
 Drop tanks and full General Electric F110-400 engines of the F-14D model.
Pods for the weapons are included as well as the two large fairings for the Pheonix missiles.
The cockpit and some extra details including the airbrakes and air intake are on these two sprues.
The bulged canopy - said to be the best of its type on a scale model tomcat. 
The Weapons loadout.
Not only Sidewinders & Sparrows, but the might Pheonix missile, Laser-guided & "dumb" bombs. Also the LANTIRN pod & Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod.
Even snake eyes with the tail fins extended in both regular and "drop mode" are included
The decal choices (5 in this boxing) starting with the low-viz aircraft...
High Viz aircraft - these include cockpit instrument panel decals and fomration light strips.
Stencils for the airframe are included
You can see more about this kit, where to get it from and more on the other  kits from AMK's range  on their Facebook page