August 03, 2019

Hobbyboss' August new releases - Two popular German subjects from WWII in large & small scale...

Heavy armour and Balkan crosses appear as a feature of both of Hobbyboss' new August releases. These two will, of course, sell well, but we thought we would show you the sprue pictures, colours and decals first in our preview...
Hobbyboss' August new releases - Two popular German subjects from WWII in large & small scale...

German Kanonen und Flakwagen of BP42
Model:# 82925
1:72nd scale
For the armored train units of Type BP42, the artillery was increased, following Russian and Polish examples, to four guns, which were not, though ,mounted two to a car as in the latter types, but one per separately built ten-sided rotating turret, in order to avoid too-great losses from a direct hit. The two halves of the train, before and behind the locomotive were identical and consisted of one artillery car with one 10cm le.F.H 14/19(p) gun, one command and infantry car and one artillery and anti-aircraft car with one 7.62cm F.K.295/l(r) and one 2cm anti-aircraft quadruple unit.

Markings included in this kit.
-Model Dimensions: Length: 594.2mm   Width: 81.7mm   
-4 sprues and hull
-Newly tooled parts in accurate detail
-The kit consists of over 110 parts  with  4 section

Pz.Kpfw.VI Sd.Kfz.182 Tiger II (Henschel Feb-1945 Production)
Model:# 84532
1:35th scale
In early October 1942, plans for production of the VK 45.03 were reviewed,Initially two designs were provided, one by Henschel and one by Porsche. Both used a turret design from Krupp; the main differences were in the hull design, transmission and suspension.

The Henschel version used a conventional hull design with sloped armour resembling the layout of the Panther tank. It had a rear-mounted engine and used nine overlapping road wheels per side, mounted on transverse torsion bars, in a similar manner to the original Tiger. To simplify maintenance, however, the wheels were overlapping rather than interleaved as in the Tiger

The markings included in this boxing
Henschel won the contract, and all Tiger IIs were produced by the firm. Two turret designs were used in production vehicles. The initial design is sometimes misleadingly called the "Porsche turret" due to the belief that it was designed by Porsche for their prototype. In fact, this turret was simply the initial Krupp design for both prototypes. This turret had a rounded front and steeply sloped sides, with a difficult-to-manufacture curved bulge on the turret's left side, to accommodate the commander's cupola. Fifty early turrets were mounted to Henschel's hull and used in action. The more common "production" turret, sometimes called the "Henschel" turret, was simplified with a flat face, no shot trap (created by the curved face of the initial-type turret), less-steeply sloped sides, and no bulge for the commander's cupola.

The decals included in the kit
The track system used on the Tiger II chassis was a unique one, which used alternating "contact shoe" and "connector" links—the contact shoe link had a pair of transverse metal bars that contacted the ground, while the connector links had no contact with the ground.

The Tiger II was developed late in the war and made in relatively small numbers. Like all German tanks, it had a gasoline engine. However, this same engine powered the much lighter Panther and Tiger I tanks. The Tiger II was under-powered, like many other heavy tanks of World War II, and consumed a lot of fuel which was already in short supply.

-Model Dimensions: Length: 289.9mm   Width: 107.3mm  
-24 sprues, lower hull, upper hull and turret
-The kit consists of over 570 parts
-multi-slide moulded lower hull, turret
-Metal Gun Barrel included
-individual track links are used in this kit
-photo-etched parts included

These two new kits are available from Hobbyboss' Distributors Worldwide...