September 20, 2019

"It's rainin' Dongs!" Bronco models new 72nd scale Chinese Dong Feng-1 rocket kit...

The Chinese copy of the Soviet R2 - which was a copy of Germany's V-2 rocket is the latest kit from Bronco models. Moulded in 1/72nd scale plastic, we have a little on the kit and the stand that accompanies it along with some info about the real thing in our preview...

A new rocket from Bronco Models in November...

Dong Feng-1 ground to air missile "Project 1059"
From Bronco Models
Kit No #CB7011
1/72nd scale
Product Link on the Bronco Models Website
Dong Feng-1 (DF-1), or Project 1059
China’s first ballistic missile system, a licensed copy of the Soviet R-2 (SS-2 ‘Sibling’) short-range ballistic missile, which itself was derived from the German V-2 but with doubled range. The missile was 17.7 m in length and 1.65 m in diameter, with four trapezoidal-shape stabilising fins attached to the bottom. The missile had a launch weight of 20.5 t, and a take-off thrust of 37 t. The maximum flight range was 590 km. The missile was transported on a truck-towed trailer, which also served as the launcher platform.
The missile was designed to carry a single high-explosive (HE) warhead, though no combat warhead had ever been developed. The DF-1 used inertial guidance coupled with remote radio mid-course lateral correction. The later required a large antenna array to be deployed on either side of the launcher, making the launch unit easily detectable in the battlefield.
Under the new missile designation system introduced in 1961, the “1059” missile was officially designated DF-1 (Dong Feng-1). 
The missile entered small batch production for training and test purposes in the early 1960s and was test-fired again in 1963, but it never entered operational service. The DF-1 production was stopped in 1966 after the success of the indigenous DF-2A.

The kit from bronco emulates this missile in 72nd scale, with the launching platform included
 The missile sits atop the stand, no other parts have been mentioned as of yet.
OK - so that is all we have on this kit - You can see more about Bronco's kits on their website.