November 06, 2019

Decal Review: 1/48th scale "Sweet Fourteens" from Exito Decals

Exito has released a new set of 48th and 32nd scale decals to suit your late model spitfires - Three very nice schemes were picked, but how are the decals and the other selling point - the included references supplied with the kit? Gary investigates in his review...

Decal Review: Sweet Fourteens 
1:48th scale Decals
Manufacturer: Exito
Set No #ED48005
Reviewed: November 2019
Available from:
Exito was originally founded in 2008 as an internet hobby shop. In 2010, they expanded by launching a brick and mortar store in Cracow, Poland, and soon achieved a strong position within the domestic modelling market. Initially via an Ebay shop and more recently via an English version of their webstore Exito has slowly but surely expanded internationally.

Exito produces its decal sets in both 1/48th and 1/72nd scale. The decal sheets are printed by industry leader, Cartograf of Italy, which ensures top printing quality and ease of application. These are complemented by instructions that differ from the plain market standard.

The decal sheet included in the set, Exito's decals are printed by Cartograf of Italy.
What you get are essentially high quality colour prints with accurate and inspiring illustrations created by Anders Hjortsberg & Janusz Swiatlon. Each subject is presented on 200gsm heavyweight paper in A4. Large side aircraft profiles are printed on the front, and the remaining artwork, photos and all necessary information laid out on the rear side. This way you not only get some cool decals for your model kit, but also attractive posters to adorn your man cave, at the same time!

The first decal set is entitled Sweet Fourteens and includes markings for three interesting examples of the Supermarine Spitfire FR Mk.XIVe:
- Spitfire FR Mk.XIVe (TZ112), coded DN-Y of No. 416 Sqn RCAF, Uetersen, Germany, December 1945-January 1946.
Pictures are included for a great reference of the real thing and to compare and contrast what is provided on the decal sheet
 The picture is taken from the photo reference included in the sets. It is scanned at high DPI and blown up to show you the quality of the pictures included

- Spitfire FR Mk.XIVe (TZ198), coded 2I-M of No. 443 Sqn RCAF, Uetersen, Germany, January 1946.
 The reference material again highlights parts of this bird that are featured on the decal sheet and acts as a reference guide.
  Blown up image scanned from the reference sheet included

- Spitfire FR Mk.XIVe (SM937), coded 62 of No. 151 OTU, Peshawar or Ambala, British India, 1946.
 Showing the ship a little worse for wear but a good point of reference for the decal placement and a painting guide.
 Blown up from the reference sheet included
None of these marking options has ever been produced in decal form in 1/72nd or 1/48th scale before. DN-Y features sexy nose art which is rarely seen on Spitfires. The release of this sheet from Exito will be welcomed by modellers like myself who have the recently released 1:48 Airfix FR Mk.XIV (A05135) new tooled Spitfire kit.

CONCLUSION - Exito Decals 1:48 "Sweet Fourteen" (#48005)
Once again, the team at Exito continue to build on their range of excellent decals covering interesting and varied subjects. The inclusion of the high quality artwork and reference photos continues to be a differentiator for them in the market as the drawings and artwork are as much a reason to purchase as the decals themselves.

The decals are very well researched and I appreciate the inclusion of the reference photos & information for each subject. As with their previous sheets, I have no hesitation in strongly recommending them.

Gary Wickham

Thanks to the people at Exito Decals for sending these to Gary to review.