December 27, 2019

A new Sherman (along with a woman climbing on to a Jumbo for a kiss) from Meng

A new combo of two separate kits from Meng for all those Sherman and allied armour modellers of WWII - A new kit of the U.S. Assault Tank M4A3E2 "Jumbo" Sherman "Cobra King" & to add to your M4A3 (76) W Sherman,a  new enhancement set of a soldier & a girl "fraternising" along with etched parts for that particular kit. See a little of both of them in our preview...

Two new complementary kits for Sherman lovers from Meng

U.S. Assault Tank M4A3E2 Jumbo
Kit No #TS-045
1/35th scale
The new German tanks were the headache of ordinary Sherman tanks. The mass production of the M26 Pershing was still some time away. The M4A3E2, a special Sherman variant nicknamed “Jumbo” was thus born. It received much thicker chassis and turret armour on the basis of M4A3. It could withstand the shot of large calibre German tank guns and anti-tank guns. Later, it was refitted the 76mm main gun and had the better anti-armour capability. At the end of December 1944, a “Jumbo” tank of the 4th Armored Division under the command of Patton led a unit of U.S. soldiers to break the German Siege of Bastogne and joined forces with the 101st Airborne Division. This operation reversed the situation of the Battle of the Bulge.

The latest MENG Sherman series product, TS-045 U.S. Assault Tank M4A3E2 Jumbo kit completely replicates the special “Jumbo” Sherman exterior details. The entirely different front and side hull armour, and brand-new turret and mantlet profile have been properly represented. This model depicts the lead assault tank to break the siege of Bastogne in December 1944 called "Cobra King" by its crew.

A picture of the tank depicted in this kit on the boxart.
In 1944, combat engineers in Pattons 3rd Armored created a "breakout" tank to lead their armoured columns.  With extra layers of hull armour and an enlarged turret, the M4A3E2 Jumbo was a standoff tank, able to take multiple hits from German Anti-tank guns and armour, allowing the rest of the armoured column to return fire.  On Dec 26, 1944, "Cobra King" led a column of infantry and armour that relieved the encircled Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne, Belgium. Decals are included to make the battle version of the tank, or the celebratory version named "First in Bastogne" after the battle.

Kiss of Victory M4A3 (76) - Limited Edition
Kit No #ES-006
1/35th scale
This limited edition kit is a set of two resin figures and upgrade photo-etched parts for the M4A3 (76) W Sherman already released by Meng a few months ago.
The set shown here in prototype phase painted up with the two figures - I suppose they could go into any Sherman with the right turret configuration...
However, the picture of the etching shows that it is suited to the M4A3 (76) W Sherman kit. It was created in unison with ET Model who do very fine etch work.
These new kits will surely be released in the new year - they are already showing up on the online model shops and on the Meng Models Website...