December 09, 2019

Preview: Takom's new 35th scale US Army 1/4 Ton Armored Truck

Everyone loves Willys - and just as many of you might well be interested in Takom's new "US Army 1/4 Ton Armored Truck". see what we know about the second Jeep in Takom's family in our preview...

Preview: Takom's new 35th scale US Army 1/4 Ton Armored Truck

US Army 1/4 Ton Armored Truck
1/35th scale 
From: Takom 
Kit No #2131
4 marking choices included
Photo-etch included
Due for Release: January 2020
The US Army 1/4 Ton Armored Truck in real life...
The US Army used the "Jeep" in a seemingly limitless number of types and sub-types during WWII. One of the more popular versions was the lightly armoured and armed jeeps of the cavalry and recon units, boasting anything from a .30cal to twin bazookas and in the case of our subject here a .50calibre machine gun.
In reconnaissance operations, the Jeep proved speed but it was unprotected and vulnerable to the concentrated enemy fire. This led to field adaptation of armoured plates added to the Jeeps and, after some time, formulated and officialized as the “1/4 ton 4×4 armoured truck” or the Armored Willys MB. 
This variant of the Jeep was an attempt by the army to set regulations of field modifications, consisting of adding three plates (actually a single plate folded in three) 5/16 steel plate added as armour protecting the front and sides of the driver compartment, with two small sight openings. The front plate replaced the windshield. The protection was sufficient against small arms fire. They saw action on the Battle of the Bulge (Belgium).
Armored Willys MB Jeep with .50 calibre medium machine gun:
The armoured Jeep was a variation designed by troops in the field to add a little protection while on patrol. These were used notably in 1944/5 in Holland and Belgium by the 82nd Airborne in fast recon during Operation Market Garden and the Ardennes Offensive.
Takom's new kit statistics...(what we know)
Name: US Army 1/4 Ton Armored Truck
Kit No #2131
- Photo-etch is included, but only in minor amounts
- There are four marking choices included by the people at AMMO
Lastly, it is confirmed this kit is due from Takom in January 2020

More news about this kit as soon as we have it, till then keep tuned and we will get building them as soon as we get them in our hands here at TMNHQ.