December 31, 2020

Preview: New Abrams Squad Mag & two new books for the new year from Pla Editions...

Pla Editions has three new publications just in time to kick of 202. Issue 34 of "Abrams Squad" is of corse on the way, as well as a reference book covering Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) “Iron Horse”, 1st Cavalry Division of the US Army & book featuring the trators of the eastern bloc in modelling and dioramas. See more about each of them in our preview...

December 28, 2020

Preview: MiniArt's 35th scale Austin Armoured Car 1918 Pattern. Japanese Service. Interior Kit

Miniart have released their Austin Armoured Car in another version, this time in Japanese service with a full interior to match it. We have some pictures of the real thing and the kit in our preview...

December 27, 2020

Build review: Titanic Seal & Iceberg Scene from Suyata

Will Vale has the mind and a talent for creating the unique, so when he saw the novel, new "cute" kit of the Titanic (with seals and icebergs included) from Suyata, his interest piqued. Will has built the kit to show you what's inside and how the model builds in his construction review...

December 26, 2020

Masterbox 2021 January kits - on a horse and not so far away...

Masterbox always brings us something unique and different from the normal with evocative artwork to accompany their kits. They start off 2021 with two new models in different scales depicting interesting scenes in plastic. See what's new in our preview...

December 24, 2020

Preview - A new Mig-25PD "Foxbat E" in 72nd scale from ICM

ICM plastic model kits has news of an addition to their recently released Mig-25 series of kits in 72nd scale to make the Foxbat that most of us are familiar with, the cold war nemesis, the  Mig-25PD or "Foxbat E". we have cad images and boart and a little on this variant in history in our preview...

December 21, 2020

2021 is already looking up - with three new releases from Takom...

The hits keep on coming fro everyone this year - but we have good news about 2021 already with three pretty cool looking new kits in different areas of interest from Takom. See what we know about tooth of the kits in our preview...

December 20, 2020

Sad news: A fire at Eduard's warehouse in the Czech Republic...

We don't really like to post news about bad news, but the fire at Eduartd's warehouse is something we thought you should all be aware of. We have a message from Eduard in our story...

December 18, 2020

"Tw-In-Boxed": 1/35th scale Austin Armoured Car 3rd Series & 1918 Pattern from MiniArt

MiniArt surprised us all recently with the dual release of their two Austin Armoured cars, the 3rd Series & 1918 Pattern kits in 35th scale. The intrepid Andy Moore has them both, and in the interests of fairness to each kit, he is building both of them in a forthcoming article. But today -  he looks at the contents of both kits & examines them in detail in his dual review...

December 17, 2020

Italeri's December (2nd serving) new items on sale now...

Italeri has surprised us with three more releases just in time before Christmas. We have art, decals, colour choices and sprue pictures of all three kits in our preview...

December 16, 2020

Build review Pt.I: 35th scale Model T Ambulance 1917 (early) WW1 AAFS Car from ICM Models

ICM Models 35th scale Model T Ambulance 1917 (early) WW1 AAFS Car was one that struck Andy King's fertile imagination, so why not get him to make it for us? In the first part of his article, Andy shows us a little about what's in the kit and a lot about how it builds up before he paints & weathers it in part II...

December 13, 2020

Preview: Two nice looking new kits from Hobbyboss in December...

Two new kits from Hobbyboss this month - a very fast, very light tank from the "Rooskies" and a tilt-rotor helicopter-cum aircraft from the "Yanks" - who's side are you on? We have box art, sprues, marking, decals and everything else inside the boxes of these kits in our new item preview.

December 11, 2020

Preview: Rye Field Model give us an "F" - The Panther Ausf.F from in 35th scale appears...

Rye Field Model is the next in line to take on the challenge of the "Paper Panther" - "Panther II" or a they are calling it the "Panther Ausf.F"

December 08, 2020

Preview: Meng's new 35th scale Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier Namer

Israel's own Leopard is next for Meng Models, with the new 35th scale Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier Namer the next kit to be produced with co-ordination with IDF experts. We look at the real thing & the features of the kit in our preview...

December 06, 2020

Read n' reviewed: 1944 German Armour In Normandy – Camouflage Profile Guide from AK Interactive

Our man Clayton LOVES his profile books! Every time one pops up we know we will get the call - so when AK Interactive's book on the German armour in Normandy in 1944 was announced, we knew what we had to do! He as read the book and presents his thoughts about it in his review...

December 04, 2020

Construction Review Pt II: 1/35th scale German Sd.Kfz.553 Ausf. Vierfüßler KaiserKäfer "Fist of War" from ModelCollect

A dystopian future, MAK looks and a somewhat What-if? 1946 vibe combine to make the 1/35th scale German Sd.Kfz.553 Ausf. Vierfüßler KaiserKäfer "Fist of War" Series from ModelCollect. Clayton today presents us with the second part of his story, where he paints this kit in a truly unique style that "hexes" its opponents. See it come together in part II today...

December 03, 2020

Preview: MiniArt's 35th scale Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Vomag. Early Prod May 1943. Interior kit coming soon

MiniArt's latest Panzer IV is backdated from the Ausf J model to the ubiquitous Panzer IV Ausf H - Vomag production early model on the way. This kit features a full interior, decals for three kits plus lots of other features. We look at the tanks and the features in our preview...

December 02, 2020

Preview: The Hawker Hurricane - A Complete Guide To The Famous Fighter from Valiant Wings Publishing

Valiant wings concentrate their fire on the famous Hurricane for their sixteenth publication in the series of "Complete Guides". This new book promises to show you everything you knew - or didn't know you didn't know about the Hurricane, combined with plans, drawings, walk around & many more helpful features. See not the contents of the book in our preview...

Kittyhawk gives us our "Romeo" - the MH-60R is on the way...

The next in the "Hawk" family is on the way from Kittyhawk - the MH-60R "Romeo" is the latest off the block in 35th scale. We have some info on the kit, on the real aircraft and the colours in this boxing in our preview...

November 30, 2020

An Alfa roadster, top of the range, a desert Crusader, flying bananas & a Stork in Italeri's December preview...

Italeri has five kits in different scales, genres & difficulties on sale in November with some serious modelling to be had just before Christmas. We have art, decals, colour choices and sprue pictures in our preview...

Preview: MiniArt's 1/35th scale German Tankmen With Gantry Crane & Maybach Hl 120 Engine

MiniArt continue to get the most from their plastic in imaginary ways by combining and adding too their already established sets to come up with something new and inspirational for the modeller. Today we have a preview of the plastic, the markings, boxart and some information on their new kit collaboration in their set "German Tankmen With Gantry Crane & Maybach Hl 120 Engine"...

November 29, 2020

Zvezda's 2021 Catalogue: Some older, updated & new kits of the new year in our preview...

Zvezda shows us their new catalogue with existing models & all new items for 2021 - the only catch is you need to speak Russian to decipher everything in the pages. We know that the smart ones amongst you can work out what's coming in this new catalogue preview.

November 26, 2020

A new "killer" Superbug from Meng in 48th scale is on approach...

Meng has released the first of the images that look like a killer "Superbug", the F-18E Super Hornet in a new tooled kit. We take a look at some of the features of the Super Hornet and the CAD drawings with several great features in our preview...

Zis goes with zat from MiniArt with kits combined to make something new...

MiniArt has combined their ZIS 2/3 field gun with a crew and limber to make this set of all three combined with ammunition in a different set of anti-tankers in time for December. See what is in the kit in our preview...

November 25, 2020

Handbags at ten paces! Mig-15 Fagot Vs Fagot bis - Two new-tooled kits from Bronco in 48th scale...

“You’re cheap and you’re haggard”. is not the words we would use for these two newly tooled fagots from Bronco Models. We look at the Mig-15 from the Korean Conflict and the Mig 15 Bis and what features are for which airframe in our new item preview...

November 23, 2020

Preview: Alpine Miniatures new 1/35th scale 2nd Armoured WW2 US Tank Commander Set

Figures of American tankers are in fashion of recent times it seems, with many tanks and AFV's from 'Murica in the market why not look at some figures to populate the scene? Alpine Miniatures has two new 35th scale tankers to fit the bill, sold as separates or as a pair, we look at them both in our preview...

Preview: MiniArt's new 35th scale T-34/85 MOD.1945. Plant 112

MiniArt has already given us a fair few of their new tooled T34's in 35th scale, and for their latest model we see the T-34/85 Mod1945 from the end of WWII into the cold war period as their subject. We have colours, CAD's, decals, features & some on the original tank in our preview.

November 22, 2020

Eaglecals three new decal sheets in three scales for Spits & Würgers in November

Eaglecals have released three new sets of decals for Mk.I a Spitfires, for early and for late A-model Würgers in three scales. We have a look at the profiles of these new decals, and where we can we get to see the aircraft also in our preview...

November 20, 2020

Pt IV build review: 1/35th scale AC-40-137A Soviet Firetruck from ICM Models - Finishing the firetruck

The very large and very red 1/35th scale AC-40-137A Soviet Firetruck from ICM Models is in the final stages of paint and construction by Andy Moore. We have been looking forward to seeing just how he finishes this truck off, so read on to see how he made it look so very good.

November 19, 2020

Preview: MiniArt's 1/35th scale IDF tanks are about to roll onto your LHS shelves soon...

Miniart has given us many soldiers, civilians and figures from across the world. Today we look at their latest set in injection moulded plastic with four soldiers of the IDF in 1/35th scale. We see the boxart, and how they look put together and painted up in our preview...

November 18, 2020

Construction Review: Qunita Studio Interior 3D-Decals - Detail Sets

We are constantly searching for search for the ultimate solution to one of the hardest areas of aircraft modelling, the cockpit. Alas, that one stop - fix all solution - the silver bullet if you will has not yet been found. Qunita Studio seems to have an interesting proposal in their new and much talked about interior 3D-decal detail sets. Gary has some at hand, and he shows us just what they contain and how they apply to a real model in his review...

November 15, 2020

Preview: We cannot believe how many new products Res Kit has for us in November...

If you were to tell us that Res Kit had eighty-four (yes 84!!) new products since their last update in July we would say you were "trippin". However - it IS true, and we have pictures, prices and links to each of the 144th & 72nd scale new items just added to their catalogue in our preview...

November 13, 2020

Construction Review Pt I: 1/35th scale German Sd.Kfz.553 Ausf. Vierfüßler KaiserKäfer "Fist of War" Series from ModelCollect

Not usually one for "What-if?" or paper panzer builds, Clayton has found his sweet spot in building this, the MAK/mecha-inspired "Fist of War" 1/35th scale German Sd.Kfz.553 Ausf. Vierfüßler KaiserKäfer kit from Modelcollect. The robot walker certainly looks impressive in the box, but see how this kit goes together and what Clayton though in his construction review...

November 12, 2020

Twenty (20!) new products in four scales from Black Dog in November...

Black dog has twenty (- yes 20!) new products for sale in November - in four different scales in diorama, figure, aircraft improvements and some small pew pew for your Panzers. We show you each of them in our preview... 

Preview: Barracuda's ten new sets in three scales for your aircraft this November...

Barracuda Studios have ten improvement sets in three scales for many of your aircraft kits this November. We have info, images and links of where to find out more in our preview...

November 10, 2020

Construction review: 1/32nd scale Avro Lancaster B Mk.I Nose Art Kit From HK Models.

Hong Kong Models has launched their nose into the market with an all-new kit of the Lancaster - but this kit is something different... If you are one of those modellers who want the 32nd scale Lancaster but do not have space or the cash for a full-sized kit, you can now get the nose section as a stand-alone model. A kit in large scale with all the drama at a 3rd of the space and price of the full kit. We have built it for you to show you all about the model and how it looks once together in our review...

November 09, 2020

Preview - German Tankers Refuelling their steeds in MiniArt's latest set...

MiniArt continues with their range of figures to suit their scenes and military vehicles with a set of two tankers and a selection of fuel containers for them to fill up their 35th scale tanks, trucks, cars or whatever is out of juice! See the parts, the art and the etch in our preview...

November 08, 2020

Construction Review: 1/35th scale US 101st Airborne Set #2 from Alpine Miniatures

Always a favourite because of their rarity in the hobby, WWII-era US Paratroopers are often sought after by modellers. When Alpine Miniatures are making the set...well the interest meter goes up! See a little bit more about Alpine's latest release, the gear & history of the unit in our review...