April 16, 2020

Sad news from New Zealand - Wingnut Wings has temporarily closed its doors...

We have been waiting for official confirmation on this for a while now, and now we have it we are pretty sad about it...

Sad news from New Zealand - Wingnut Wings has temporarily closed its doors...

One of the many, but no doubt one of the higher-profile victims of this shutdown from the Coronavirus is the confirmation today on many whispers around the market place of Wingnut Wings having to close its doors and business.

Incredibly sad news for modellers, but more so for the people employed at the company who have lost their jobs.

This is the official statement from their website:
There are lots of rumours about sackings and/ or stand-downs and the complete closure and selling of the assets of the company. We are not going to speculate on that - we just thought it would be proper to pass on real information as it stands from the WNW website to modellers who want to know.

Update: - from today (17/04/20) on the WNW website there is now this in the news - so not looking good at all...
Hopefully for all of us and especially the WNW staff the company can return to trading ASAP.