May 15, 2020

Preview: 1/35th scale SLA APC T-54 w/Dozer Blade Full Interior Kit from MiniArt

One of the more inspired boxarts we have seen in a while sparked interest in Miniart's new SLA APC T-54 w/Dozer Blade Full Interior Kit that has just been announced. See a little about the real vehicle and Miniart's kit in our Friiiiday preview...

Preview: SLA APC T-54 w/Dozer Blade Full Interior Kit
Kit No #37028
1/35th scale
Box size: 386x240x100 mm
MiniArt's latest conveys the body and shape of the South Lebanese Army SLA APC based on the T-54 tank - but this one had a big-ass bulldozer blade and an open compartment on top for the operators toting .50 & .30 cal machine guns!

This kit is a development from the original SLA APC which was just the T-54 chassis with the open top and machine guns that MiniArt released a month or so ago.
Not to be confused with this one - the kit we are looking at was based on this vehicle that the South Lebanese Army operated in the 80's. The dozer blade was used to clear wreckage and debris from buildings, vehicles or anything else out of the way.
The rear of the vehicle - unfortunately we do not have any shots in colour
The Kit:
This kit of a South Lebanese Army armoured personnel carrier features an accurately represented driver compartment and fighting compartment interior, individual tracks, plus hatches that can be posed open or closed. The V-54 engine is also included, as are clear plastic and photo-etched parts.

Kit Features
Highly Detailed Model Of South Lebanon Army Armoured Personnel Carrier
Driver Compartment Interior Accurately Represented
Fully Detailed Fighting Compartment Interior
All Hatches Can Be Posed Open & Closed
A full V-54 Engine is Included
IDF Dozer Blade Included
The sprue parts
Individual Tracks are Included
Clear parts are included
Photo-etch is included to replicate the thinner parts for scale realism
Markings for the box-top vehicle is included in this boxing
For more on this kit and all of MiniArt's releases check out their Website for more info...