June 07, 2020

Preview: 1/35th scale Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H Early / Mid Production from Ryefield Model

Border Model is the latest company to set its sights on making quality Panzer IV's in 35th scale. With this boxing with photo-etch,14 marking choices & 3D designed figures by Jason Wong, it looks like they mean business. See more about this kit & the real thing in our preview...

The new 1/35th scale Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H Early / Mid Production from Border Model

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H Early/ Mid
2 in 1 kit
From Border Model
1/35th scale 
Kit No BT #005
Plastic injection moulded kit with Photo-etch additions
Product Link on the Border Model Website
It seems that 2020 is the year of the virus and of the Panzer IV. At least four big companies are making their own - and with this new Panzer IV Ausf.H Early/ Mid kit coming from Border Model, we thought we might who you a little of the kit and the Panzer IV H in our preview...

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H 
Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf H entered production in April of 1943 as the ninth variant of Panzerkampfwagen IV tank family (9 Serie BW). This medium tank received a designation of Sd.Kfz.161/2. Production took place until July of 1944 and Ausf H reached the largest production figures of any Panzerkampfwagen IV model with 3774 produced by Krupp-Gruson AG in Magdeburg, Vomag AG in Plauen and Nibelungenwerke AG in St.Valentin. The last company produced the most of Ausf H tanks until it switched production to the next and final variant Ausf J. Chassis numbers for Ausf H were 84401 to approx.89540.
In December of 1942, Krupp was ordered to redesign future Ausf H model to have sloped front and side armour. The project was cancelled in February of 1943 due to increase in weight to 28tons that required additional modifications and instead Ausf H based on the original hull was to be produced. New Ausf H was basically a late model Ausf G with six-speed Zahnradfabrik ZF SSG76 transmission. All Ausf H was armed with 75mm KwK 40 L/48 gun and two MG 34 machine guns with 87 75mm and 3150 7.92mm rounds. The gunsight was T.Z.F.5f. The crew of five consisting of commander, gunner, loader, radio operator and driver operated the vehicle. 
Radio equipment was made up of Fu 2 and Fu 5 as well as intercom. The power plant was 12-cylinder water-cooled Maybach HL 120 TRM gasoline engine producing 265hp at 2600rpm. The during the production in June of 1943, the front armour was increased from 50mm with additional 30mm plate to basic 80mm on the front hull and superstructure. 
The weight of Ausf H was 25 tons, while that of Ausf G was 23.6 tons. Maximum road speed was 38km/h, while average road speed was 25km/h. Further modifications, included deletion of side superstructure visor ports in June of 1943, followed by application of Zimmerit paste starting in September of 1943 and modifications to the suspension (idler and return rollers) in September-November of 1943. Also modified were air filters and introduced were new commander's cupola and anti-aircraft MG 34 cupola mount (Fliegerbeschussgerat). 
Vehicles were also fitted with side armour skirts (both hull - 5mm and turret - 8mm) - Schurzen. In addition to new modifications, numerous changes made to Ausf G were also applied to Ausf H. As in any other case, older parts were also used in repairs and rebuilds creating non-standard vehicles.
Twenty Panzer IV Ausf. H went to Spain in 1943, which held them as the best tanks they had in their inventory. Spain sold them to Syria in 1967. Around 130 Panzer IVs of various variants made it to Syria in the 1950s and 1960s. These Panzer IVs served the Syrians alongside T-34-85s, T-54s, and T-55s during the Six-Day War against Israel.
This new kit from Border Model
The new 1/35th scale Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H Early / Mid Production, kit no #BT005 from Border model will be released just in time for the 76th anniversary of the Battle of Caen. Pictures on the box art (by Jason Wong who also designed the figures for the kit) is the Panzer IV of the 12th SS Armored Division that fought and died in large numbers around the D-Day beaches in 1944. 
Kit Features:
- Most of the parts in this boxing are completely new tooled
- Figures designed by Jason Wong are included of three tankers and one infantryman.
- A metal barrel is included as an option in this kit.
- The scraper to make your own Zimmerit is included in the kit.
-Photo-etch parts are included - the largest being the new metal Shurtzen
- There are fourteen (Yes 14!) marking choices included in the box - one example below...
- The kit includes buckets!! Also Jerry cans & T-34 extra track links.

That is all the info we have on this kit so far - more to you all as it surfaces - until then try reading the info from the link to the Border Model Website