July 20, 2020

Dioramag #6 is now available & we have a little of it in our preview...

The latest issue of Dioramag is already with us, and the preview images we had seen looked so promising we thought we should share them with you. See a little of what is coming in the sixth issue of this already well-respected periodical in our preview...

Issue #6 of Dioramag available to order from Pla Editions

Dioramag Vol. 6
96 pages 
Soft Bound A4 Portrait Format
All text in English
Price: 15 €
Dioramag: an entire magazine focused on dioramas and scenes. You will find the best articles of the best modellers and writers in the world. Step by step articles, painting techniques, building techniques, showcases, news, reviews and much more. We have a round-up of the contents of issue #6 and some of the images of the models and the pages from this issue...

3 “On thin Ice” by Sven Frisch, sees our man Sven making the diorama of a Panther crossing what the crew thought was a safe bridge - until it gave away from underneath them! The precarious scene is brilliantly displayed by Sven here...

12 News - Industry news of what is on the releases horizon with regards to making dioramas and new and interesting kits on approach...

15 “Kursk” by Kev Smith. Kev brings us an immersive diorama scene from the battle of Kursk in 1943. The scene is hot and dusty, like the men and machines in Kev's work.
22 “Setting the Scene” by Andrew Argent. Handy Andy brings us a guide to his approach on dioramas, with several immersive scenes that bring the smell of nature to the reader while taking in his article...
38 “I miss my Masters” by Kostas Georgiou - The scene of a deserted future wasteland where a lonely robot looks on to the scene and waits for something to happen in a once-bustling land.
50 Showcase Dioramag: Heiner Sander The master's work is showcased in this section...  

56 “Abandoned” is a scene devised by Mirko Brechmann. He has done some scratch building and added some simple models and figures to make an evocative scene in a former Soviet bloc playground...
66 Showcase Dioramag: Onur Kumral's work is also shown in these pages - something to aim for...

72 “Die Könign Ist Tot” by Davide Dedo Lazzarotto - indeed! the King IS dead - but he lives on in this diorama from the very talented Davide Dedo Lazzarotto 

80 DIORAMA CLASSICS: Ivan Cocker's work is also showcased in this issue...   

86 “The Maid of Harlech” - a replica of a famous scene of a P-38 Lightning on the beach - uncovered after years of being hidden by washed-up sand on the beach from  Axel Pohle. This diorama mimics life to a photorealistic level and looks very impressive here.
Lastly, we have more of the JAPANESE MASTERS by "showcasing" Show Kase   

This issue is already available to order from the Pla Editions website at this link...