July 15, 2020

More from "Suyata" with four innovative 35th scale modelling subjects in abstract form...

"Suyata" is a company that we have already previewed here on TMN. Their Q-scale "Titanic" & Red Baron & Fokker DR.I kits look to be really interesting and appealing to a broader spectrum of modellers than the usual bunch. Today we look at their new soldier & bike sets in 35th scale that are not only posable, but very different and similar at the same time in our preview...

More from "Suyata" with four innovative 35th scale modelling subjects in abstract form...

There is a brand new company from China called "空-SUYATA" and they have already released several impressive and innovative new concepts in a genre that is already full of new and surprising takes on models. 

Photos below of some of Suyata's already announced products...
"SUYATA'S products are diverse, from cartoon style to science fiction style, from mechanical vehicles to figures and animals. Through constant polishing, our R & D team strives to showcase our new look in the field of scale modelling. In addition to SUYATA'S own line of products, we also plan to work with designers in other fields to explore a wider range of models. At this stage, our products fall into two main categories: 1- Plastic model kits, 2- Modeling tools"
We have already seen the Titanic and the Fokker Dr.I, forthcoming are movable Japanese warrior figures, a new modelling tool, A home base of Liverpool docks for your Titanic and a Maybach  48th scale engine for your Tiger!
 Today we look at a new concept - posable and easy to make soldiers in a "generic" look but very much of a nostalgic and an identifiable country of origin. see what we mean below...

Movable Soldiers
German Machine Gun Crew.
"Sean's Warrior Series"
Kit No #SW001
1/35th Scale
Who is getting "member berries" right now looking at this box for the new concept of "Movable Soldiers" from the "German Machine Gun Crew." There is another company that could either be very flattered or maybe not with this nostalgic box design.

"Sean's Warrior Series" soldiers have five figures, moulded in German Grey, each with posable joints. Of course, weapons and helmets are included - but the rest of the soldier is very stylized in a minimal fashion.
 Thee soldiers could well be posed with your 35th scale tanks or scenery  - in any pose you want, maybe making light of a scene and maybe as a whole new concept or genre of modelling - just like the "egg" planes that Tamiya made into a whole new class long ago.

Movable Soldiers
U.S. Army Assault Infantry Set.
Kit No #SW002 
"Sean's Warrior Series"
1/35th Scale
The second set from "Sean's Warrior Series" of Movable Soldiers is Kit No #SW002 "U.S. Army Assault Infantry Set" Again, these five soldiers are posable, made in 35th scale and armed to the plastic teeth
The tank is not included - but you probably have plenty of these in your collection anyway - like we said - so many possibilities for these soldiers - maybe you could make them into your own wooden army - or maybe an army of robots? Maybe this set is just an abstract modelling exercise or something for young modellers?

German Kleines Kettenkraftrad.
German Motorcycle Tractor
Kit No #SW003
"Sean's Warrior Series"
1/35th Scale
The "German Kleines Kettenkraftrad" Kit No #SW003 from "Sean's Warrior Series" is having moulded in 35th scale, and this time the three soldiers have an abstract mount of a Kettnkrad included.
 YOu can have these soldiers posed in any way shape or form you want, they can be used as primers for a diorama - as a placeholder to where you want your figures to stand - they are in 35th scale so it can work also. It would be just as cool to have these unpainted and unfinished as something to change every now and then.

Military Motorcycle
U.S. Soldiers & Motorcycle.
Kit No #SW004
"Sean's Warrior Series"
1/35th Scale
The fourth kit in "Sean's Warrior Series" is the "Military Motorcycle" with clearly what can be seen as three U.S. Soldiers from WWII & a motorcycle. The kits are fully posable again, and they have the same abstract look as the others in this new series.
 The poses and uses are endless - there are Two soldiers and a Harley Davidson "Liberator" clone included in this kit.
These kits should be out very soon - check out the "Suyata" Facebook page for more information on their innovative range of new kits and tools coming our way.