September 01, 2020

A new company & kit from familiar modellers - Enter "16-02" with their 5,5cm FLAK (VG2) Gerät 58

Michael Baldeweg, the man behind "Custom- Scale" and the source of inspiration for many "What-if" and 1946-centric kits out there - has started a new brand called "16-02". This new company is making much of the same genre as Customs Scale - but doing it now in injected plastic moulded kits. We look at the first kit from this new entity in our preview...

A new company  16-02 & their first release in our preview

5,5cm FLAK (VG2) Gerät 58 Automatische Flugabwehrkanone
From 16.02
Kit No#VK35001
1/35th scale
A new kit from the brand new company called simply "16-02" is set for release very soon. 

"16-02" is made up from the team of Michael Baldeweg from Custom Scale,  Gert Brandl,  Alexander Wegner from Solidscale, Dietrich Wolf who was is responsible for the basic setting and planning for that project and wonderful artist Felipe Rodna. All people reknown for their work on 1946- themed kits and art. This formidable team are behind the new company and the new release of the first kit from them in injection moulded plastic, the 5.5cm FLAK (VG2) Gerät 58 Automatische Flugabwehrkanone.
Some CAD drawings of the new injection moulded  5,5cm Flak, a development of the 37mm Flak 43 from Rheinmetall you can see the lineage here in these drawings...
The kit comes with a metal barrel and a full load fo plastic ammo...
The Rheinmetall company's plan of the 5.5cm Flak under the camouflage designation Device 58 in 1943. The gun, of which at least two pieces were completed, was on a carriage with three small ones. Hydraulic supports attached made it possible to fire the weapon still attached to the special trailer no #204.

There are three marking choices straight int he first boxing of the kit.
The kit, in test form, made up by Lothar Limprecht on his Facebook page...
You can find out more about "16-02" kits from their website which is still merged with Custom Scale's - a website we are sure many of you have been to before. We are hoping for good things from this team!