September 16, 2020

Preview: MiniArt's U.S. Jeep Crew & MP's - Special Edition

No one likes getting pulled over by the 5.0 - but when MiniArt gives us a kit of soldiers being pulled over in 35th scale we think differently. Five soldiers, a bunch of weapons and decals to go along with it. We look at them on the sprue and after they are painted in our preview...

Preview: MiniArt's U.S. Jeep Crew & MP's - Special Edition

U.S. Jeep Crew & MP's Special Edition
From MiniArt
Kit No #35308
1/35th scale
This kit from MiniArt includes five figures, two US Military Policemen (MP's) and three soldiers who have been stopped by the law for some reason or another.  The set also includes a bunch of weapons, packs, helmets and gear to go along with the men.

Five figures with helmets, a Tommy gun, a Garand and for the MP's a pistol in its holster are provided in the base of the kit. Grouped together, these will be easy to put together.
A second sprue included with the kit houses two Thompson machine guns, both the drum type and the clip gun, three "grease" guns, often the type carried by MP's and Jeep crews, along with some extra gear packs.
Smaller weapons like this revolver, Colt M1911 and holsters, binoculars and some packs add to the many options of the kit.
M2 carbines, one with a folding stock and one with a wooden stock are here along with ammo pouches, also a single M1 Garand rifle is on this sprue...
Lots of helmets some bare, with netting and with camo along with entrenching tools, water flasks, bayonets and small packs complete the plastic in this kit.
To enhance the kit there are decals provided, not only for the MP's, but also for the GI's with unit and rank insignia to better detail your figures
To show you a little more about these figures we present MiniArt's version of them, painted up and ready to be placed into a diorama.
The rear of these figures, with their ammo and packs attached to their rears. There are some nice details in the folds of the clothing, very nice for plastic figures! 
To top it off we have a picture of these figures in a scenario that they could well find themselves in. That of stopping of their jeep by the MP's (The Jeep is not included in the box).
The Officer could well be talking To the MP's, this is just another way of looking at using the figures provided.
For more on this kit and all of MiniArt's releases check out their Website for more info...