October 22, 2020

Book preview: "Diorama Artist Hank Cheng's Collection" out soon & at a discount for a short time...

A new book from the master modeller Hank Cheng is just about to go to print. We have some news on the contents of the book, the artist himself and how to get this book with a discount at pre-order. Find out how in our lil' story about lil' stories...
Book preview: "Diorama Artist Hank Cheng's Collection" out soon & at a discount for a short time...

"Diorama Artist Hank Cheng's Collection"
Written in dual Chinese and English languages
Format: Square back hard shell hardcover (width 28 × height 22.9 cm)
192 pages
Paper: (inner pages)150g stock
Expected book release date 3rd November
RRP: 990TWD -  BUT available it at a pre-order price $782TWD (around $25 USD)
A new book from the master modeller Hank Cheng is just about to go to print. We have some news on the contents of the book, the artist himself and how to get this book with a discount at pre-order. Find out how in our lil' story about lil' stories...
"Diorama Artist Hank Cheng's Collection" is a new book encompassing the work of miniature model artist Hank Cheng. For those of you unbeknown to Frank's work it might surprise you to know you may have well seen it before, but not made the connection.
Hank Cheng is a Taiwanese artist who creates realistic miniature models of streets scenes, restaurants, and even dystopian wastelands. Cheng started to create small-scale models three years ago. His first model was based on a Japanese restaurant he used to visit while studying there.
Since then, Cheng has been challenging himself to produce smaller and more difficult models. Although the work is labour-intensive – many objects have to be created from scratch and involve 12 hours a day in the workshop.
Each of Cheng's creations carries a theme: example -  a room of a boy who's obsessed with Japanese manga, a dystopian wasteland, a midnight canteen, a miniature rendition of his own room, a scene inspired by the Japanese science fiction franchise Gundam.
All of his recent finest works are in this book, 192pages, full of colour photographs and dual English/ Chinese languages, it explains a lot about the scene, the process and the meaning behind the models themselves...

Some pages from the book:
Orders placed during the pre-order period will be accompanied by the author's autograph!

The book is expected to be released to the public on the 3rd November for a price of  990TWD (Taiwan Dollars) 
HOWEVER, you can pre-order the book for the price of $782TWD signature (around $25 USD) from the Product Link