October 22, 2020

Preview: "The Modern Super Hornet Guide, 2nd Edition" from Reid Air Publications...

Reid Air Publications has an all-new book exposing the Modern Super Hornet in detail & now on pre-order. We have some preview images & contents of the book in our preview for all of you Superbug lovers out there...
Preview: "The Modern Super Hornet Guide, 2nd Edition" from Reid Air Publications...

The Modern Super Hornet Guide, 2nd Edition
by: Jake Melampy
From Reid Air Publications
Languages: English
Pictures: Colour
Pages: 178
1,028 full-colour images.
Format: Softcover landscape (10.9 x 8.3 x 0.5 inches)
RRP: $39.95 from their online shop
Reid Air Publications has an updated issue of their  Superhornet book almost about to be sent out to customers, The Modern Super Hornet Guide, 2nd Edition by Jake Melampy is almost ready to be sent out to eager customers, but there are some left, so we thought that you would want to have a look to see if you would like a copy for yourself.
Carrier operations ad the sailors that handle the aircraft and their ordinance are covered in this issue
The original Super Hornet Guide, published in 2011, was sold completely out of stock in three years, and has been sold in the second-hand market for remarkable prices. It remains the ONLY quality reference source on the Super Hornet, so we thought it was time to make an even better book.

Detailed cockpit views in hard to access areas are priceless for the modeller, and this book has this important area covered in detail.
The major flying surfaces are included, with detail coverage of the workings and why's of the controls...
This 2nd Edition, "The Modern Super Hornet Guide, 2nd Edition" (called creatively)  is bigger than the original book at 178 pages, and it contains more images with 1028 full-colour photographs and more coverage of all versions of the Super Hornet up to the present day. 

Every patch, port and hole is covered in the photos and text in this book.
Details of the smallest and hardest shapes to replicate will be great for modellers in need of clear and concise reference.
As usual with any book in the Modern Guide series, The Modern Super Hornet Guide gives the reader an exhausting look at all parts of the jet, from the tip of the radome to the engines, and everything in between. This book not only covers the standard "Superbug, but the squadrons that fly them, carrier operations, the EA-18G Growler, and everything else you could think of on the Superhornet.
You can get your copy of this book at Reid Air Publications in March 2019. You can also check it out on their Facebook page for more on their other titles as well.
Reid Air Publishing is also planning to release a second edition of the Modern Phantom Guide "The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom Exposed" by Jake Melampy. Look for it on their website soon...