November 19, 2020

Preview: MiniArt's 1/35th scale IDF tanks are about to roll onto your LHS shelves soon...

Miniart has given us many soldiers, civilians and figures from across the world. Today we look at their latest set in injection moulded plastic with four soldiers of the IDF in 1/35th scale. We see the boxart, and how they look put together and painted up in our preview...
MiniArt's latest Kit Coming Soon:

IDF Tank Crew
From MiniArt
1/35th scale
Kit No #37076
The kit contains four figures of Israeli tankers
MiniArt's latest kit contains four figures of the Israeli Defence Forces - these are tankers that could suit any of your modern Magach's, Sabras, Namers and Merkavas. This crew in 35th scale depict three males and showing the true reflection of the IDF's equality there is a female tanker in there also...
Because national service is compulsory in Israel for both males and females, we are starting to see women in some of the previously male-dominated areas of the army, and the IDF leads the way in equal opportunities for all in their services.
Because of their focus on protection of their people, Israel's tank force has a high rate of retention in their crews and the tanks and crews are thought of fairly highly, at least by their allies.
However, these tankers are constantly in dangerous or confronting situations, and so their vehicles are often featured in dioramas and model scenes. We think that this crew will suit many a modeller's needs.
This kit from MiniArt:
Four figures are inside this boxing of IDF tankers # 37076. Moulded in  plastic in 1/35th scale, we could think of many vehicles and situations that they could be used in. They all have slightly different clothing and of course different poses.

This first tanker is talking on his small microphone, he could well be the commander of the tank as he is using his mic to communicate - that's how it looks to us anyway (he also has large binoculars which is usually the commander's set).
This tanker is seen wearing what looks to be his phylactery (Hebrew: tefillin shel rosh) and holds a piece of manuscript. He is at rest, and so may be used beside a tank and not necessarily in or on it. It is good to see tankers at rest as much as in action. (thanks Steve for that clarification :-)
Also seen in full combat gear - this female tanker is easily identified by here long pony tail, she is adjusting her helmet to fit her hair into it. No skimpy, half clothed figure here, just a tanker getting about her business.
This tanker is seen in a hunched pose, leaning over his cupola at the scene in front of him. Even though you probably would only see his shoulders upwards he is fully formed and detailed, with a tanker's overalls and webbing. The hard helmet on his head and strong look on his face come across pretty well.
Here they are all together painted and made up - they could be used for one or for two tanks depending on how you want to show your scene - whether they are from the same vehicle or from multiple tanks. They look like a good solution to us...
You can see more about this kit or any other of their work on MiniArt's website...