April 23, 2021

Preview: Random pilot figures, new details & test builds of Border Model's 35th scale Bf-109 G6 "Limited Edition" kit.

Today we have more details of Border Model's new 35th scale Bf-109G6 "Limited edition" boxing. We look at the new announcements and new info on what IS included and what is a bit random about this kit in our preview...

Preview: Random pilot figures, details & test builds of Border Model's 35th scale Bf-109G6

Bf-109 G6 "Limited Edition" kit.
From Border Model
1/35th scale
Kit No# BF 001
The kit comes with a full engine
Transparent gun bay with full gun interior
Transparent engine cover
Photo Etch parts included
+ 1 random pilot figure in the boxing
wGR.21 rockets included
Metal propeller
2 marking choices included
Latest details on Border Model's Bf-109G-6 "Limited edition" boxing:
The brand new limited edition 1/35 Bf-109G6 is all but released to the public. We have the feature set of the announcement about what is in the kit in the photo below...
Inside the main box Border has added one of the nine resin pilot figures shown will be included, along with metal parts and decals specific to that pilot! (These items are only available with the first release of this kit; if yours does not include these items, it was not part of the initial release.)  

The resin figures are all high-quality, made using brand new 3D technology. This one is one of the three in the normal boxing.
erich Hartmann is in every boxing, the dead pilot is one of the random options
This wounded pilot is one of the random choices also
In addition to pilots, the limited edition will also have metal parts, such as metal propellers that can be made into a bent or crashed diorama. Seat belts made of metal from photo-etch and the metal Wgr.21 rocket packs.

We have already seen the fully riveted kit in previous sprue shots...
The builds with the features of the kit including full engine look like an Bf-109 G6 to us
Of course, the exclusive decals of several aces will also be in the kit. The test builds that are coming out look good so far...
More on this kit when it comes to market. For more on Border Models products look at their website