ICM Models Catalogue & new items of 2021-2022
ICM Models has released their latest list of new kits for the new year as well as showing you some of what’s already on sale and discontinued. We have a fairly large version so you can see the releases and the “New” items that are marked in red. An interesting bunch in here, you can double click the images for a slideshow of larger pictures...
ICM Models has released their latest list of new kits for the new year as well as showing you some of what’s already on sale and discontinued. We have a fairly large version so you can see the releases and the “New” items that are marked in red. An interesting bunch in here, you can double click the images for a slideshow of larger pictures...
The 32nd scale aircraft has been an evolving line, and the Italian Falco and the lovely AH I Huey Cobra of Vietnam War vintage look to be VERY popular...
New figures in the 32nd scale range are always welcome also
The 48th scale range - some new pilots & bombers and as most people will point out the Counter Invader!!
A brand new Beaufort Mk I Torpedo bomber!!The B-26K Counter invader from the Vietnam War is going to be very very popular - lots of modellers calling out for it as soon as the Invader series was released, there are a lot of differences between this and the WWII versions though...
The Skymaster / 02 is always a popular subject, and a new tooled one an even more interesting prospect...
Another Vietnam era aircraft people will like is the OV-10A Bronco in 48th scaleThe pilotless drone the Firebee are new and an interesting prospect for 48th scale modellers...
New single-seater and trainer Mig-25's in 72nd scale to follow up their earlier, larger-scale Foxbats are welcome...
Airliners are the older kits from ICM and then armoured fighting vehicles in 35th scale are next...
A german version of the FCM 36...The rather odd-looking but very cool Marder I on the FCM base - great!
The "thunderbox" and Russian modern trucks are looking good.
WWI and British supply vehicles are great to see coming into the 35th scale realm...
The oddest - or maybe in the top 2 of vehicles the Laffy V15T french artillery towing vehicle is a novel but welcome inclusion...
A tie-in with the recent miniseries "Chernoble" brings several new nuclear clean-up and post-apocalyptic series of kits...
The larger earlier first wheeled vehicles are already known to modellers
Larger scale single figures - a few new ones in here...Ships and subs from their already released catalogue are also known to modellers.
Diorama sets are combining their figures and vehicles/ aircraft to make a set ready straight out of the boxYOu can see all of these as they roll out on the ICM Facebook page and their excellent all-new website...