April 29, 2021

Brand new figure sets for the 72nd subs & 32nd scale German flyers from Das Werk

Das Werk has increased their range to add new figures to the recent kits they have released in the form of 72nd scale submariners for their U9 U-Boot and a seated 32nd scale pilot for their Junkers EF-126 EF-127  kit. These are meant to be used either in these kits or transferred to others in the same scale from other manufacturers, We look at each of the three in our preview...
Brand new figure sets for the 72nd subs & 32nd scale German flyers from Das Werk

Das Werk's three new figure sets are made to fit into the newest kits from this Geran kit maker. Both the U9 U-Boat and drydock kit in 72nd scale in the form of either a SM U9 Crew and separate Officer sets and the Junkers EF-126 EF-127  kit in 1/32nd scale in the form of a seated pilot in full flying gear. 

We have some photos of them from Das Werk So you can see them a little better for yourself in the photos below...

SM U9 Bridge Crew Set
1/72nd scale
Kit No #DWF011
This first new set includes three resin figures in 1/72nd scale that suit the era and scale of Das Werk's news U-9 B-boat Kit no#DW72001 that was released recently to a lot of acclaim by modellers keen for a WWI sub in this size and scale. 
A helmsman that is controlling the sub from the conning tower is one of the crew. His hands sit on top of the small wheel in the tower...
The second crewman or deckhand is seen holding the rails of the side of the conning tower. Looking to his side forward to the horizon...
The third and by far not the least important, this officer or Kapitan of the boat is seen leaning on the right-hand side rail of the conning tower. Leaning back a little he is looking up while holding his binoculars cradled in his left hand rather casually.

SM U9 Deck Crew Set
1/72nd scale
Kit No #DWF012
This second set includes the real workers of the boat - the crew - in 72nd scale resin castings. They also fit the U-9 U-boat from Das Werk. Here below you can see them in their natural habitat...
One of these figures is coiling a rope or cable that is included in the set. He is seen crouching over at work.
The second figure is seen either getting into, out of, or just resting his derriere on the hatch port of the foredeck of the sub.
The third in this set is sen looking rather nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets as his other sailors do all the work. he could be used pretty much anywhere on the boat of course.

EF-126/127 Elli Pilot
1/32nd scale
Kit No #DWF010
This new figure of one resin pilot in his full flying gear fits neatly into Das Werk's kit from last year, the 32nd scale Ju EF-126 „Elli“ / EF-127 „Walli“ ( kit no #DW32001). Here you can see him in goggles, a leather flight cap and flying pants and boots. The ol' flare canisters around the leg looking much like a latter-WWII pilot of the Luftwaffe.
You can see here that he has his left hand up giving the "thumbs up!"  - this is one option, you also have an extra arm cast that can be swapped out for this thumbs-up option where he can have two hands on the flight stick. Of course, this pilot is suitable for Das Werk's model, but it can certainly also be used for other Luftwaffe aircraft.
These new kits are now available from Das Werk's Distributors worldwide. For more info on Das Werk's kits just check out their website...