May 02, 2021

Preview: Barracuda's eleven new sets in three scales for your aircraft this May

Barracuda Studios have eleven improvement sets in three scales for many of your aircraft kits this May. We have info, images and links of where to find out more in our preview...

Preview: Barracuda's eleven new sets in three scales for your aircraft this May...

Over the past few years, Barracuda studios has had a good number of requests to replace the rubber tires for the classic 1/24 Airfix Spitfire, Me 109E and Hurricane kits. The older style rubber tires in those kits are not popular with modelers, as they can dry out and split. They also dont take paint well and they are a little sticky, and tend to attract and hold on to dust and grit. These new wheel sets fill that gap with highly detailed and accurate new wheels.
Barracuda has also released some further upgrades for the Revell Bf-109G-6, in the form of corrected upper cowls with better detail and proper spacing between the gun troughs. The Revell Spitfire Mk IX kit is nice, but it is lacking radiator intake and exhaust ramps. This set corrects that design oversight. We also have a new undercowl with a proper rendition of the Aerovee carburettor intake.
Finally, a pair of vacform sliding hoods for the Eduard Fw-190 kits, both new and old tool. Below are the eleven new releases that are now available on the Barracuda Website...

Spitfire Mk. I - IX Five Slot Mainwheels
1/24th scale
Kit No #BR24449
This set contains a pair of resin cast accurate mainwheels, featuring fine tire beading, readable tire data, and a super detailed 5-slot wheel hubs. Designed to replace the rubber tire/plastic wheel hub assembly found in the Airfix and Trumpeter Spitfire Mk. I and V kits. A fast and easy upgrade. Patterns designed by Gerry Mos

Spitfire Mk. I - IX Covered Mainwheels
1/24th scale
Kit No #BR24450
This set consists of a pair of resin cast accurate mainwheels, featuring fine tire beading, readable tire data, and a super detailed covered 5-slot wheel hubs. 
The covered hubs were used to keep mud and dirt out of the wheels hubs.Designed to replace the rubber tire/plastic wheel hub assembly found in the Airfix and Trumpeter Spitfire Mk. I and V kits. A fast and easy upgrade. Patterns designed by Gerry Mos

Hawker Hurricane 4 Slot Mainwheels
1/24th scale
Kit No #BR24425
This set contains a pair of resin cast accurate mainwheels, featuring fine tire beading, readable tire data, and a super detailed wheel hubs with separate uplock lugs. Designed to replace the rubber tire/plastic wheel hub assembly in the available kits. 
 A fast and easy upgrade for the Airfix and Trumpeter Hurricane kits. Patterns designed by Gerry Mos

Bf 109E/F Mainwheels with Ribbed Tires
1/24th scale
Kit No #BR24435
This set contains a pair of accurate resin mainwheels featuring super detailed spoked hubs, subtly ribbed tires and readable logo and data as fitted to the Bf 109E and F series aircraft. 
Replace the problematic rubber tires found in both the Airfix Me 109E. Patterns designed by Gerry Mos

BF 109G-6 Upper Gun Cowling (Standard)
1/32nd scale
Kit no #BR32157
This set consists of one detailed, accurate upper cowling. This set improves the detail and corrects the spacing of the machine gun troughs, which are too close together on Revell’s Bf 109G-6 kit part. 
For non-Erla built Bf-109G-6s. A one piece, easy to install correction for the Revell kit. Pattern by Gunnar Jansson.

BF 109G-6 Upper Gun Cowling (Erla)
1/32nd scale
Kit no #BR32158
This set consists of one detailed, accurate upper cowling specific to the Erla built 109G-5 and G-6 aircraft. The gun troughs are different on these Erla built machines. Erla upper cowlings have a rectangular panel line around them. 
This set also improves the detail and corrects the spacing of the machine gun troughs, which are too close together on Revell’s Bf 109G-6 kit part. A one piece, easy to install correction for the Revell kit. Pattern by Gunnar Jansson.

Spitfire Mk IX Late (Aerovee) Carb Intake
1/32nd scale
Kit no #BR32461
Contains a new resin lower engine cowling w accurate, detailed, late style Aerovee carburettor intake to improve the simplified, inaccurate Revell Spitfire Mk IX parts. 
A quick and easy one-piece replacement. For the Revell Spit IX kit. Mastered by Roy Sutherland.

Spitfire Mk. IX Wing Correction (Revell)
1/32nd scale
Kit no #BR32340
This set contains a pair of new resin wing sections featuring accurate intake & exhaust ramps to replace the flat wing sections in the kit. 
Also included are new detailed radiator fairings and radiator faces to replace the less detailed kit parts. 
Clear, illustrated step by step instructions walk you through the installation. A real improvement for the Revell kit. Master patterns by Roy Sutherland.

Bf 109F/G Separate Control Surfaces
1/32nd scale
Kit no #BR32448
The set consists of new resin ailerons, elevators and standard rudder for the Revell kit. Why did we make them? The kit parts have nice fabric rib tape detail, but it is overstated and the trailing edges are quite thick when assembled. 
It takes a good bit of careful sanding and shaping to thin the edges and make the fabric detail properly subtle. We have done it for you. For Revell's Bf 109G series. May fit other kits. Master patterns by Roy Sutherland.

Fw 190A,F,D Standard Sliding Hood
1/48th scale
Kit No #BR48458
This set contains one accurately shaped, crystal clear, distortion free, vacform sliding standard hood to replace the kit part in all Eduard Fw 190 kits. Will fit most other kits, too. Why do you need them? Eduard's first generation 1/48 Fw-190s had both sliding hoods molded without enough bulge over the pilot's head. 
The second generation FW-190 kits are superb, but they did not fix this problem. Compare to drawings and photos and you will see it. It's subtle, but it's there. These vac canopies are mostly straight lines, and therefore, easy to trim out. A simple and very visible upgrade.

Fw 190A,F,D Blown (Late war) Sliding Hood
1/48th scale
Kit No #BR48459
This set contains one accurately shaped, crystal clear, vacform sliding blown hood to replace the kit part in all Eduard Fw 190 kits. Will fit most other kits, too. Why do you need them? Eduard's first generation 1/48 Fw-190s had both sliding hoods molded without enough bulge over the pilot's head. 
The second generation FW-190 kits are superb, but they did not fix this problem. Compare to drawings and photos and you will see it. It's subtle, but it's there. These vac canopies are mostly straight lines, and therefore, easy to trim out. A simple and very visible upgrade.

All of these products are now available on the Barracuda Studios website directly at the links in the article.