Preview: MiniArt's 1/35th scale Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. Sep-Nov 1944 - Interior Kit
Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. Sep-Nov 1944 Interior Kit
From Miniart Models
1/35th scale
Kit No #35339
Decals for four variants in the box
The Subject: Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. Sep-Nov 1944
MiniArt have another Panzer IV kit, this time its subject is the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. Sep-Nov 1944. We thought before we look at the details of this kit that we might see what this variant.
The Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J Nibelungenwerk.:
the Ausf.J began to roll off the factory line at Nibelungenwerke (at St Valentin, Austria) and Vomag, as Krupp was now involved with other tasks, and incorporated more mass-production oriented simplifications, rarely welcomed by the crews. A first example was the removal of the electric turret drive, traversing being done manually, sacrificed for an additional 200 litres of fuel capacity, raising the operational range to 300 km (186 mi), a lesson hard learnt from the Russian campaign.
The box art subject Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J "614" from Hungary in 1944...
Other modifications included the removal of the turret visor, pistol ports and turret AA mount in favour of a Nahverteidigungswaffe mount. Zimmerit was not applied anymore, nor was the Schurzen, replaced by cheaper Drahtgeflecht Schürzen wire-mesh panels.
A good idea for a diorama - a destroyed Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J in Nibelungenwerk factory after a bomber raid. St. Valentin, Austria. 1945.
The Ausf. J from Nibelungenwerk engine radiator housings were also simplified. The drive train lost one return roller, and two Flammen Toeter (flame-suppressing) mufflers were installed, as well as Pilze 2-ton crane mount sockets. More critically, the late Panzer III SSG 77 transmission was mounted, despite it being clearly overloaded. Despite these sacrifices, the type J monthly deliveries were increasingly threatened by Allied bombings and the shortages caused. Only a total of 2970 were built until the last days of March 1945. Compare that to the total planned of 5,000, including modified models sporting the Panther turret. All prototypes developed by 1942 were dropped, in favour of the Panther. The chassis was also used for some variants.
Two civilians pass near a knocked-out Panzer IV Ausf. J somewhere on the Eastern Front. On the turret, Schürzen are visible, along with one Lost-Erkennungs Tafeln support with its card mounted.
Panzer IV Ausf.J specifications
Dimensions L: 7.02 m W: 2.88 m H: 2.68 m
Total weight: 25 tonnes
Crew: 5
Main Armament: 7.5 cm Kw.K 40 L/48 gun
Secondary Armament: 7.92 mm MG34 machine-gun
Armour: From 10 mm to 80 mm (80 mm on hull front)
Propulsion Maybach HL 120 TRM V12 265hp gasoline engine
Top road speed 38 km/h (23.6 mph)
Max. road range 210 km (130 miles)
Total production 1758 June 1944 – March 1945-0
Another shot of the box art tank in that ambush scheme...
MiniArt's new Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. Sep-Nov 1944 - Interior Kit: What we know...
MiniArt's new Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. Sep-Nov 1944 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. J features a full interior and four marking choices - some with Thoma screens and without, one in a winter scheme. the kit features some photo-etch where necessary, but mostly excellent details in plastic. Full ammo, pioneer tools, a track jig to help make tracks and clear parts are just some of the features of the kit.
The advertised feature set from MiniArt:
Metal surfaces & weld lines accurately represented on the model
Driver compartment interior accurately represented
Fully detailed fighting compartment interior
Highly detailed interior of the turret
Sprues of the kit:
Full ammunition included
Engine included
Workable Tracks Included
A track making jig is included
Tools and pioneer equipment is included in this kit
Clear Plastic Parts Included
Photo-etched Parts & Decal Sheet Included
Markings for four options inside this boxing
That is all we know about this kit so far, See more about all of MiniArt's kits on their website...
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