August 08, 2021

Preview: 2nd edition of The Westland Whirlwind – A Detailed Guide to The RAF’s Twin-engine Fighter by Valiant Wings Publishing

Valiant wings have added to and improved their Airframe Album No.4 title on the Westland Whirlwind with a new and enlarged second edition just in time to use on your 32nd scale Special Hobby kit. See more about this second edition adds in our preview...

Preview: Second edition of The Westland Whirlwind 

Airframe Album No.4 Second Edition: The Westland Whirlwind
– A Detailed Guide to The RAF’s Twin-engine Fighter
By Valiant Wings Publishing
by Richard A. Franks
96 pages
Soft Cover A4 Portrait format
ISBN 978-1-912932-22-1
Price: £19.95
Valiant Wings Publishing has added to their sold-out original version of their Airframe Album No.4 title on the Westland Whirlwind with this, the second edition of the book at an extended page count and including several new pages and features to add to the publication.
In light of the release of the new 1/32nd scale Special Hobby kit of the Whirlwind, this second edition of the book includes historical and modern photographs and detail images, period diagrams, data from flight manuals, isometric views by Wojtek Sankowski, colour profiles by Richard J. Caruana, camouflage and marking notes and walkaround images.
Contents of this issue include:
- A wealth of historical and modern photographs
- Detailed study of the structure, equipment and armament used
- Period diagrams, data from flight manuals and spare parts catalogues
- Isometric views of all prototype and production airframes by Wojciech Sankowski
- Colour profiles and concise camouflage and marking notes by Richard J. Caruana
- Walkaround images of preserved examples

So what is new in this edition?
Updated in this title are lists of all Whirlwind kits, accessories and decals, a build of the new 1/32nd scale Special Hobby kit by Steve Evans and 1/48th scale plans by Richard J Caruana.

- Updated - lists of all Whirlwind kits, accessories and decals produced in all scales
- New - Specially commissioned build of the new 1/32nd scale Special Hobby kit by Steve Evans
- New - 1/48th scale plans
- Now - 96 pages plus cover
If you like the look of this book you can find out more about it on the Valiant Wings website for more on their great books.