September 14, 2021

Preview: New tracks for your ZTQ-15 light tank from Heavy Hobby /Voyager in 35th scale...

Heavy hobby / Voyager Model's new 3D printed, workable tracks for Meng's ZTQ-15 light tank are with us. We have some information about the tracks and we see how they fit the kit in detail in our preview...

Heavy hobby's new 3D printed, workable tracks for Meng's model of the ZTQ-15 light tank have been made in conjunction with Voyager Model. There will be more information and the track's on the kit in detail in our preview...

Meng's new ZTQ-15 light tank renders...
Heavy Hobby & Voyager's new tracks: Supplied as single track links with pins in a kit of 215 parts, these 3D printed resin tracks aim to improve your kit and the ease of construction.

Tracks for ZTQ-15
Kit No #PT-35015 
by Heavy Hobby and Voyager Model
these new tracks are supplied as 215 parts in the one pack. this gives you multiple extra tracks in case of any mishap in construction. (the kit needs only 94 track links on each side).

The tracks of the real tank...
...And the kit with the Heavy Hobbby tracks installed.
These are soon to be available from the distributors of Heavy Hobby & Voyager Models.