October 16, 2021

Preview: Sandbags at ten paces & everything you can put on StuGs & Panzers from Value Gear this month...

New Value Gear for your StuG in 16th, Panzers in 35th, sandbag walls & a "Goat-load" (their pun, but we'll use it!) of other stuff are just announced on sale for your fave new project. They are all for show also, in our preview...
Preview: Sandbags at ten paces & everything you can put on StuGs & Panzers from Value Gear this month...

The people from Value Gear have just added fourteen new products to their website and ebay page. They range from new stowage for your StuG in 16th scale to 35th scale, to Gamma Goat carry-on, to sandbag walls for base work.

1/16 German Tank Bits Sets 1 through 3
There are three different releases in 1/16th scale for the new Das Werk StuG III Ausf.G kit. This will probably work on the Monochrome release of the StuG III in 16th scale also...

German Tank Bits Set #1 Stug III Stowage
1/16th scale
Price: $25

German Tank Bits Set #2 Stug III Stowage
1/16th scale
Price: $25

German Tank Bits Set #3 Stug III Stowage
1/16th scale
Price: $25

German Crate Sets 
1/16th scale/ 75mm 
(5 per Pack)

Wood Handles
1/16th scale/ 75mm 
Price: $12.50

1/16th scale/ 75mm German Crates with Rope Handles
Price: $12

Engine Deck for Das Werk Stug III
Price: $12

1/35th scale StuG stowage sets:
Due to the popularity of Stug Set #10 (German Tank Bits #1) the small bits from Stug Sets 1-9 and were used to create two more "German Tank Bit Sets" for people not building a StuG, they are handy for other tanks and dioramas...

German Tanks Bits #2 
(Stug Set #11)
1/35th scale 

German Tanks Bits #3 
(Stug Set #12)
1/35th scale 

Gamma Goat Load (Alice Packs) 
1/35th scale 
Price: $20

1/35th scale SandBag Walls
Mix and match and arrange these how you like. Again made from resin...

Checkpoint #2
Price: $20

Checkpoint #3
Price: $20

Configurable Sand Filled Crates Stackable
Price: $20
You can get any of these new products or their other great gear at the Value Gear Website - or their Ebay Page...