October 17, 2021

TMN on Tour: The shows are back!! - Nitra Model 2021, Slovakia

It looks like modelling shows are returning to the public, with the Nitra Model show being held on the weekend in Southern Slovakia. Great models and people were at the event, and we have a nice photo walkaround of some of the kits from our reporter at large Martin Hronsky in our "On Tour" story...

TMN on Tour: "Nitra Model 2021"
Where: Športová hala Klokočína, Nitra, Slovakia
Hosted by Modelársky klub ZOBOR Nitra
When: 16/10/2021
Photographer: Martin Hronsky
Every year in  Nitra, Slovakia (COVID permitting) there is a large model show called "Nitra Model". is held. This show has in recent times become one of the higher profile and better quality shows of the circuit. Amongst all of the entries, we picked around one hundred of the best for a show walk around...
Nitra Model features exhibits of aircraft, helicopter models, sci-fi models, civilian vehicles and much more. It also provides the attendees with the opportunity to enjoy these displays and be a part of various competitions. The Modelársky Klub ZOBOR Nitra is the organizer of the model show and competition. 

Thanks to the optimal geographical location of the city in the heart of the continent, modellers living in the northern, southern, eastern and western parts of Europe are meeting together here. As for the others coming ever from countries right across the world who are always greatly welcomed. The show is a joint effort by many Slovakian & surrounding countries' modelling clubs who collaborate and help each other. 
Amongst many more photos on his Flickr page, our photographer Martin Hronsky was at the show, he took pictures of all genres of scale modelling at the show and he has shared some of the over three hundred with us here at TMN - Thank you, Martin!

Double click any of these photos to see these in large format - Enjoy!
If you want to know more about the show, attend the show or enter next year's competition, visit the Nitra Model 2021 page -
Also, to see more of Martin's pictures visit his Flickr profile...