November 09, 2021

New item preview: Quinta's December new improvements just in time for Xmas!

Quinta Studios has a myriad of new improvements to your favourite kits in modern & WWII vehicles & aircraft in four scales - all set to arrive in December. We have a rundown of each of them and where to get them in our preview...

New item preview: Quinta's December new improvements just in time for Xmas!

Quinta Studios has by now a proven record of making quality aftermarket solutions and improvements to your kits in many scales and guises. The range and breadth of products keeps on growing, so we thought the best way to show them off is in one hit for - say... December's new items.
Below we have links, photos and just enough info to show you the suitability of their new kits in 72nd, 48th, 35th & 32nd scales. These are all available from their Ebay site or directly from the simple links below...

Kit no #72024
1/72nd scale
Price: $14.51 USD

Kit no #48192
1/48th scale
Piece: $20.46 USD

Kit no # 48188
1/48th scale
Price: $32.34 USD

Kit no #48178
1/48th scale
Price: $34.98 USD

Kit no #48163
1/48th scale
Price: $14.51 USD

Kit no #48138
1/48th scale
Price: $20.46 USD

Kit no #48107
1/48th scale
Price: $11.88 USD

Kit no #35030
1/35th scale
Price: $9.23 USD

Kit no #35029
1/35th scale
Price: $9.23 USD

Kit no #35027
1/35th scale
Price: $9.23 USD

Kit no #35025
1/35th scale
Price: $9.23 USD

Kit no #35024
1/35th scale
Price: $9.23 USD

Kit no #35017
1/35th scale
Price: $10.56 USD

Kit no #35010
1/35th scale
Price: $5.94 USD

Kit no #35008
1/35th scale
Price: $23.77 USD

Kit no #35004
1/35th scale
Price: $5.94 USD

Kit no #32081
1/32nd scale
Price: $40.93 USD

Kit no #32072
1/32nd scale
Price: $64.02 USD

Kit no #32058
1/32nd scale
Price: $23.77 USD

Kit no #72023
1/72nd scale
Price: $5.94 USD

To find out more about Quinta's full range, or to purchase them directly, head to their FB page or alternatively their Webpage