November 12, 2021

New Miniart Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. August 1943 coming soon:

MiniArt keeps offering more Panzers we can't say no to...This one is a Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H from the Nibelungenwerk factory, a mid-production variant from around August 1943. No interior, but this means a fast and simple build with all of the same external features, that plus four marking options. We look at the kit and the real tanks featured in this boxing in our preview...

New Miniart Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. August 1943 coming soon:

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. August 1943
From Miniart Models
1/35th scale
Kit No #35337
Decals for four options in the box
The Subject: Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. August 1943
The Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf H entered production in April of 1943 as the ninth variant of Panzerkampfwagen IV tank family (9 Serie BW). This medium tank received a designation of Sd.Kfz.161/2. Production took place until July of 1944 and Ausf H reached the largest production figures of any Panzerkampfwagen IV model with 3774 produced by Krupp-Gruson AG in Magdeburg, Vomag AG in Plauen and Nibelungenwerke AG in St.Valentin. The last company produced most of Ausf H tanks until it switched production to the next and final variant Ausf J. Chassis numbers for Ausf H were 84401 to approx.89540.
Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H variant saw the integrity of the glacis armour improved by manufacturing it as a single 80-millimetre plate. To prevent adhesion of magnetic anti-tank mines, which the Germans feared would be used in large numbers by the Allies, Zimmerit paste was added to all the vertical surfaces of the tank's armour. The vehicle's side and turret were further protected by the addition of 5 mm side skirts and 8 mm turret skirts.

Three of the tanks shown in this preview are included in the four colour choices - This Panzer IV Ausf.H Nibelungenwerk version no # 721 was from the 3rd SS "Totenkopf" Division, on the eastern front in Ukraine in Autumn 1943.
During the Ausf. H's production run, its rubber-tired return rollers were replaced with cast steel; the hull was fitted with triangular supports for the easily-damaged side skirts. A hole in the roof, designed for the Nahverteidigungswaffe, was plugged by a circular armoured plate due to shortages of this weapon. 

Panzer IV Ausf H code 604 option is included in this box
These modifications meant that the tank's weight jumped to 25 tonnes, reducing its speed, a situation not improved by the decision to adopt the Panzer III's six-speed SSG 77 transmission, which was inferior to that of earlier-model Panzer IVs.

Panzer IV Ausf H  in Russia in the winter of 1943. note the additional spaced armour on the turret’s front roof, most probably added in the field. This is one option in this boxing.
Nibelungenwerk Panzer IV Ausf.H
Nibelungenwerk would retain the lead in Pz.Kpfw.IV production as numbers only rose. Total production of the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H surpassed 300 units in October and remained there until the end of the year. In December Nibelungenwerk delivered a record 210 tanks, giving a total of 1381 tanks in 1943. There were 2982 Pz.Kpfw.IV tanks were produced in total between the three factories that year. No other German tank was built in such numbers. Towards the end of 1943, the front and sides of the superstructure were reinforced. Tanks built at Nibelungenwerk also received a characteristic holder for three spare track links on the rear of the hull.

A typical late production Nibelungenwerk Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H. Spare track links were carried on the rear and the return rollers had metal rims. This one is Zimmerit coated and it is not included as an option in this box. (however..... :-) )
MiniArt's new kit: What we know...
MiniArt is coming to market with their Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerk. Mid Prod. August 1943 kit in 1/35th scale. This is, of course, an expansion on their other excellent Panzer IV series. This one is without an interior so the emphasis will be on a fast and easy build. All hatches can be posed open & closed and the embellishments to make it into an H from the Nibelungenwerk factory.
The sprues of the kit
Workable tracks and a jig to help make them are included

Clear plastic parts included
Photo-etched parts included & decal sheet for 4 options
Side Skirts are offered in photo etch for correct scale thickness and a scope for damage or removal if so desired.
The four choices of colour schemes offered in this kit.