November 24, 2021

Preview Pt.II: Six more single figures (& stowage) in 35th scale "Panzer Riders & Crew" from Stalingrad Miniatures...

Stalingrad Miniatures has released the second half of their "Big Set" of German tankers and infantry as single figures. This completes the set of thirteen figures and stowage, and allows modellers to pick and choose the elements they want to add or subtract themselves. See this second lot in detail in our preview...

Preview Pt.II: Six more single figures (& stowage) in 35th scale "Panzer Riders & Crew" from Stalingrad Miniatures...

Stalingrad Miniatures have split up their "big set" of tankers from the end days of WWII they release back in June and the first half of these figures released in September. These figures are sold only in a set of thirteen tankers to suit a Panzer IV in 35th scale. Now they are sold separately we thought we would look at the second half of the set just released as singles in our preview...

Set No #3227
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Sculpted in grey resin
The sculptor, Alexander Zelenkov, presents the second part of his big set of thirteen figures and stowage of the Panzer IV. This first figure of a tank rider, happy, seemingly for the ride, is seen sitting on the rear deck of the tank on probably the warmest part, right near the muffler!
Rather wistful looking in his body language, this soldier is seen comfortable in his space, with his Kar.98 rifle across his waist and a fat backpack filled on his back. The paint job here by the artist brings out al of the sculpting detail of the figure.

Set No #3228
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Sculpted in grey resin
This tanker is carrying his Mp40 as he leans on the engine deck of the Panzer IV as it trundles forward. Not at all enthusiastic in his body language, he is otherwise a study in the atmosphere of a cold frontline fighting scene.
Trying to either hold on or stay awake (or both) this soldier looks as cold and as uncomfortable as is possible while riding on a loud, smelly tank in the freezing cold of the eastern front. Each of these tankers really does have their own personality.

Panzer commander
Set No #3229
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Sculpted in grey resin
Without the turret cupola lid to lean on it looks like he is dancing, but this panzer commander is made to fit your Panzer IV turret. Grey resin in several parts in 35th scale, the sculptor has paid special attention to the face of this tank commander.
Arm up and looking back to the left, this tank commander is seen in his soft, peaked M43 cap and reversible parka and Panzer uniform pants. You could paint him in either side of the convertible parka, camouflaged or simple white like the artist has here. 

Platoon leader
Set No #3230
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Sculpted in grey resin
His right hand up to signal to the supporting infantry behind him, this platoon leader is seen gesturing the unit forward in support of the tank he is riding on. Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov in grey resin, the gear of this soldier includes a bread basket, entrenching tool, gas mask canister, ammo holder and gun affording him a lot of detail.
The platoon leader is seen in that same "Kharkov" style parka, reversible pants and thick, lined mittens. The Mp40 on his lap and ammunition pinned to his belt on his hip along with the thick folds of the wool lined jacket make this figure a really layers proposition to paint.

Set No #3231
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Sculpted in grey resin
Another young soldier, cradling an Mp40 in his lap as he holds on to the turret shield of the Panzer IV. He is sculpted in light grey resin in 35th scale by Alexander Zelenkov. You can see his woollen mitten hand holding the metal while his helmeted head looks slightly up over the armour towards the front.
When the paint is applied you can see even more of his detail. The folds on both the parka and reversible trousers are already full of details, but the paint accentuates that further. A great, multi-layered figure.

Set No #3232
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Sculpted in grey resin
This young trooper is seen riding on the side of the cramped Panzer IV turret as the tank trundles forward over the frozen wastes of the eastern front. Leaning back and to the right, he looks forward at the scene unfolding just around the corner.
This young-looking fellow is seen looking up and to the right-hand side as he cradles his Kar.98 in his left hand. We like very much what the painter has done below with the "Kharkov" parka and the contrast with the other gear he is wearing.

Machine gunner
Set No #3233
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Sculpted in grey resin
This MG42 gunner is seen crouching over in the cold, riding in the sideskirts bracket of the Panzer VI's fender. Sculpted in 1/35th scale by Alexander Zelenkov, this is the last figure in the twelve figure full set.
Here he is painted up by the sculptor. The compact body language of a person obviously affected by the cold is readily apparent here, with the details of the sculpt highlighted by the pain job.

Accessories for Pz-IV
Set No #3234
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Sculpted in grey resin
This set of stowage works for most any German tank throughout the war, with ten pieces in grey resin in this bunch. A Kar.98 rifle, Panzer IV road wheels, a rolled-up Zeltbahn, a bucket with cloth inside it, a pair of MG42 ammunition boxes, a Panzerfaust, a "Jerry" can, rations box, some rolled up a canvas with long sausage and a fuel can funnel are all included in this set.

Panzer Riders, Hungary 1945 Big Set 
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
1/35th scale
Set includes: 13 figures and accessories in grey resin
Set No #S-3220 
We are lucky enough to get a photo of the scene that inspired this set, the Panzer IV's heading off into the cold with soldiers warmly dressed holding on tight to the lurching tank as it goes forward...
Here is the sculpt, with a lot of those soldiers' body language, clothing and expressions of their faced duplicated in resing.
Another photo of if not the same scene one very close to it. The faces of the tankers can clearly be seen in this shot - the deck of the tank full of any gear and men that can fit...
This shot of the set mirrors the above photo almost to a tee - the man looking directly at the camera as the tank trundles past is almost uncanny...

These figures are sold as singles and as the big set - they are available right now - check these out and all of Alexander's other works at the  Stalingrad Website: