December 18, 2021

Preview: Italeri's three new December kits in art, sprues & colours

A pig that swam underwater, the backbone of soviet armour of the early cold war & the hottest hatch of the '80s are the subjects of Italeri's second tranche of December items. See what they have released just in time for Xmas in our preview...

Preview: Italeri's three new December kits in art, sprues & colours

Kit no # 7006
1/72nd scale
Model Length: 13,5 cm
Price: € 16
A successor to the T-55, the T-62 like its predecessor, was the backbone of Soviet and Warsaw Pact armoured divisions for many years. Although very similar to the T-55, the new Soviet "Main Battle Tank" incorporated notable improvements in terms of its armour, aiming systems and above all with the main weapon system. The T-62 was in fact equipped with the new 115 mm high-speed smooth-bore gun. Innovative for the period, it was able to use a wide range of munitions that were capable of penetrating the armour of the main battle tanks deployed by the N.A.T.O. alliance. 

The colour choices of this kit  Italeri only has two here, but three are listed on the decal sheet
The decals included in the box
The tank entered service in the early ‘60s and was used in its various versions by both the Soviet Union and its allies. The tank has been deployed in a variety of military conflicts ranging from Afghanistan to the Middle East.

The plastic parts inside the box.

VW Golf GTI First Series 1976/78
Kit No# 3622
1/24th scale
Model Length. 15,2 cm
Price € 35
The Volkswagen Golf is an iconic vehicle designed and produced by the Wolfsburg car manufacturer. It was first introduced in Spring 1974 and immediately became a highly successful commercial product. The first series (1974-1983), offered leading-edge technical capabilities to a very receptive consumer market of that period, including a water-cooled front-engine, front-wheel drive, solid and robust bodywork with a functional but equally attractive design. 

The decal sheet included. It covers the instruments, the pinstriping, the guards and number plates.
The twelve number plates from Europe, Canada and the USA are included in the choices -  of course, you can make this any colour you want to...
The high quality to price ratio was the real “competitive edge” that made the Golf so successful, however. At the Frankfurt Motor Show in 1975, the sporty version Golf GTI was introduced which incorporated the high performance 110 HP 1,600 cc engine. The following year saw the mass production of the Golf GTI and in just two months it achieved notable commercial successes in many European and non-European countries.

The plastic parts inside the box.
The clear sprue includes windows and lights...
A mask sheet for the transparencies is included.
Vinyl tyres are included

S.L.C. MAIALE with crew
Kit No #5621
1/35th scale
Model Length. 19,8 cm
Price € 27
Based upon the experiences and successes of the Italian Regia Marina in the First World War. In 1935 Teseo Tesei and Elios Toschi developed and perfected the Siluro a Lenta Corsa (S.L.C.), which was more informally known as "Maiale” (Pig). This was a torpedo modified to allow it to be guided underwater by two operators equipped with respirators. It was intended to carry a high explosive warhead under the keel of enemy ships. 

The decal sheet included.
Three Maiale craft numbers are included, with two colour choices shown by Italeri
The modified torpedoes had limited speed, were fitted with a guidance system and held batteries that powered the electric motor which guaranteed a range of 12-15 miles. The most notable action of these Italian Navy raiders took place on 19th December 1941. Transported by the submarine "Scirè" to the strongly defended Alexandria harbour, the S.L.C.’s were able to attack and disable for several months, Royal Navy battleships H.M.S: Valiant and the H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth.

- Photo-etched fret included
The plastic parts inside the box - (Sea mines are not included)
 - 2 new crew figures included
The kit made up by the people at Italeri