March 23, 2022

Preview: 1/35th scale V-1 Flying Bomb Launch Site from Takom

Takom's new 35th scale V-1 Flying Bomb was released to the public yesterday, now, the full launch rail and equipment you need to fire the rocket has also been "launched". We look a little at the rocket launching pad a little of what we know on the kit in our preview...

Preview: 1/35th scale V-1 Flying Bomb Launch Site from Takom

V-1 Flying Bomb Launch Site 
From Takom
1/35th scale
Kit #2152
Designed in collaboration with Snowman Studio.
4 marking choices are included in the kit
The Subject - the V-1 Flying Bomb with launch site...
The subject of this kit is the V-1  rocket and launch rail site. The V-1 launch site centered around the Walter WR 2.3 Schlitzrohr Schleuder catapult. The prerequisites for the site were modest - a concrete platform for attaching the catapult and supporting the gas generator trolley, and concrete pilings for the catapult support. 

Diagram of the Maisoncelle V-1 "ski site"

The catapult itself was a modular design in six-metre sections usually consisting of eight sections and a muzzle brake at the end for a total length of 49m (160ft). The gas generator trolley was fueled with a volatile mixture of T-stoff(hydrogen peroxide) and Z-stoff (sodium permanganate), which created a pulse of high-pressure gas that pushed a piston down the circular tube at the centre of the catapult. 

The Imperial War Museum, Duxford, has the only complete V-l launch
system including a full Walter catapult and the associated equipment.
This piston was attached to a small frame under the belly of the V-1 missile, accelerating the missile down the ramp where its pulse jet engine ignited. The launch was controlled remotely from a nearby bunker via the Anla Bgerat (launch device) mounted aside the rear port fuselage of the missile which included a variety of electrical connectors, safe and arming connections and other necessary triggering devices. 
V-1 displayed on a launch ramp section at the Imperial War Museum Duxford. To the right of the missile, the Anlaßgerät (launch device) carries electrical connections, including safe and arm connections to the missile. Part of the starter trolley, which chemically produces steam for the catapult, can also be seen.
It took about 20 minutes to load and launch a V-1 missile, though some well-trained units brought the time down to 18 minutes. Generally, the launcher was placed near tree lines or within a wooded area to camouflage the launcher from aerial discovery.
The launch rail often had camouflage netting draped from either side. The launcher was delivered in the usual Wehrmacht dark yellow camouflage colour, and in some cases, additional camouflage was painted on.
A V-l missile is seen here loaded on the Walter catapult and ready for launch. The gas generator trolley is in place as is the Anlaßgerät on the left rear side of the fuselage, which contained the electrical controls and air pressure attachments to start the launch.
The kit from Takom
To accompany the new V-1 Flying bomb with full interior and cart that we saw yesterday "launched" by Takom, today we see a second kit of the full launch site and a V-1 without an interior.
The completed kit of the V-1 and the site is 96cm long when completed, and again it is designed in collaboration with Snowman Studio, like many of their recent kits.

Combined with the new V-1 Flying Bomb and launch rail, you also get the starter, the steam catapult and spare piston.
That is all we know about this release for now. You can see more about Takom's kits on their website or on their Facebook page