March 10, 2022

Preview: Academy's existing & new items of 2022 in their new catalogue...

Academy has released their new 2022 catalogue with a few surprises and a few welcome models we already knew about further cemented into the line. See if there is anything to interest you in this year's range in our preview...

Preview: Academy's existing & new items of 2022 in their new catalogue...
Academy models from South Korea is releasing some very nice new models and showing off their existing kits in their 2022 catalogue.

On top of the 53 years of models, this current and soon to come crop is nicely illustrated in the catalogues - with a few highly anticipated models soon to come.
New items are marked in the special text you will note, also the "MCP" or Multi-Coloured Parts kits, simple construction with no or little glue required are clearly marked also in the catalogue...

Aircraft:  Some new large scale models in here, like the 48th scale Yak-1, B-25C/D bomber and the smaller 144th scale Ch-47D/F/J. We already know about it as the Phantom in 32nd...
Newly designed SBD-3, Rafale, A6M2b, F4F-F Wildcat, PBJ-1D and new 48th scale A-10C by the look of it are also in development or near release.
Naval: Some new ships in the mix...
Academy continues with simple to build but detailed and fun armour kits - the new designed Panther, Panzer IV and a24th scale jeep amongst the new releases...

Academy also stocks their own paint range of Acrylics and now some basic tools to help out...
We did not include all of the toys, the guns, and the other stuff that Academy include in their catalogue that we assumed you would not be interested in.