March 07, 2022

Preview: A World of Dioramas II from Canfora Publishing

Per Olav Lund's second book featuring some of his best dioramas is released on pre-order for a special discount price for a short time only. See more about the book with high-res photos and new information about what is inside in our preview...
Preview: A World of Dioramas II from Canfora Publishing

A World of Dioramas II
By Per Olav Lund.
From Canfora Grafisk Form
128 pages
Soft cover.
Dimensions: 280 × 210 × 9 mm
Pre-order Price: €23.90 (Regular price: €29.90)
Shipping to buyers from mid-April.
A while ago we reviewed Per Olav Lund's first book showcasing his dioramas for Canfora Grafisk Form. The book "A World of Dioramas Vol I" was rightly so extremely well received by modellers and readers. Now the time comes to present the second edition with all-new dioramas from the talented chap in volume II.

One of the dioramas is called "Childhood" and it reflects a scene of youth amongst a rustic wooden setting.
This second volume again showcases the work of master modeller Per Olav Lund. Per displays works in this 128-page book, spanning from the ice-cold Arctic to Sci-Fi, with World War One and civilian scenes in between.

We see the processes of the builds in several excellent phtotos and text to accompany it...
"Abandoned" was a special project that was to use only scratch built parts and no commercial products in its creation.
The well known "Starvation Cove" diorama is also featured in this book. The diorama is an inspiration of J.von Payer painting with the same name of the ill-fated Franklin Expedition who was lost in the Canadian arctic trying to find a way through the Northwest Passage.
A dozen scenes with great subject variety - both civilian and military - are displayed in 128 pages to depict the author's full skills.

Per's work "For Valour" - A WWI scene of the muddy and bloody battlefields of Passchendaele from 1916 - A demonstration of courage under fire is also included in this book
Although this is not a traditional step-by-step book, each build is lavishly illustrated to explain the techniques and build sequences involved.

Another scene from WWI - "Sacre Bleu!" is a mix of french armour with a rolling groundwork and converted figures to fit the terrain and dramatic story.
From a world a long time ago in a galaxy far far away comes this scene of a dilapidated, wrecked and deserted AT-ST Walker with it's new owners standing by the scene...
Although this is not a step by step book, there are plenty of photos of the builds and text to explain from the master Lund himself of his process and thoughts about the scenes in the book...
The book has just been released for sale to the public for a special pre-order price for a short time only for €23.90, so get in quickly! 
It is expected to ship to buyers from mid-April.
To see more click on this link on the Canfora Publishing Website