April 06, 2022

Preview: Freedom's Phantoms for April come compact...

To add to Freedom Model Kit's recent spate of "Compact Series" kits come two new surprises. Two F-4 Phantom II's, from the USAAF & US Navy. Both include alternative marking choices, bomb & weapon lads & cockpits with pilots. See more about these two in our preview...

Preview: Freedom's Phantoms for April come compact...

F4-J Phantom II VF-84 Jolly Rogers
From Freedom Model Kits
Compact Series Kit 
Item No:162070
Release date: End of April 2022
The first of the two new Phantom kits for Freedom Models in the compact series is number:162070. It is the F4-J Phantom II "VF-84 Jolly Rogers" Version. Both options for pilot/ radar operator or empty cockpit are included as well as wheels up or down. The kit can also be made into a "B" or an "N" model Phantom!
You can see by the 3D renders below the features of the kit, including the load outs of two sets of different weapons for air defence and bombing loads for the Phantom including sidewinders, sparrows and Mk.82 bombs. The option of wheels down or up is also included..
There are three US Navy paint schemes in F-4B, J & N models included in the box from the famous Jolly Rogers! 

USAF F-4E Phantom II Early Long-Nosed Version
From Freedom Model Kits
Compact Series Kit
Item No:162073
Release date: End of April 2022
The second kit added to this catalogue for Freedom is another Phantom II, the new compact series is number:162073 is the USAF F-4E Phantom II Early Long-Nosed Version. Both options for pilot/ radar operator or empty cockpit are included. 
You can see by the 3D renders below the features of the kit, including the load outs of two sets of different weapons for air defence and bombing loads for the Phantom including sidewinders, sparrows and Mk.82 bombs. The option of wheels down or up is also included...
There are five paint schemes included in the box, 
Due to be released at the end of April 2022, you can see more about these kits and Freedom Model's other works on their Website...