April 24, 2022

Preview: Plastic Invasion's Scale Modelling WW2 1/35 German Camouflage Uniforms & Scale model tutorial videos

We have seen a lot about this Kickstarter project of recent. Some of modelling's leading lights making a new book showing the six different camouflage patterns of the German forces throughout WWII. Alternatively, they are offering four tutorial videos for some popular kits. Kickstarter? A book? videos? What is it actually all about? We have a look in our preview...

Preview: Plastic Invasion's Scale Modelling WW2 1/35 German Camouflage Uniforms & Scale model tutorial videos

Scale Modelling WW2 1/35 German Camouflage Uniforms & Scale model tutorial videos
From Plastic Invasion
Plastic Invasion's Kickstarter Campaign
After almost four years of working on their first products, the team behind Plastic Invasion are now close to launching their campaign on Kickstarter. 
Their collection will contain a book and (separately) a total of 4 tutorial videos (two of which are already selected). The videos will guide you through the complete process of creating highly realistic models in a total of 200 minutes of detailed footage accompanied by an English commentary.  

The Book: Scale Modelling WW2  1/35 German Camouflage Uniforms
The new comprehensive monograph from Plastic Invasion maps a total of six camouflage patterns used on german uniforms throughout the war and describes how to paint them with acrylics on figures in 1/35th scale. 

Some images from the book:
In Plastic Invasion's upcoming Kickstarter campaign, the book is focused on Fallschirmjägers, it wasn't hard to figure out what to do next. They had the unique opportunity to take pictures of an iconic weapon - the FG42 to include in the study.

The book has quite a unique concept. The authors worked with real actors in all chapters. They have also used real locations and studio environments for a perfect presentation of all camouflage patterns, equipment and weapons. 
The last part of each chapter is then devoted to the painting of the figure and the systematic presentation of painting techniques in step-by-step articles.

The first two video subjects (4 in total - 2 still unannounced): 
Pz ll Ausf. C
The first two videos are focused on building a light tank Pz II Asf. C in a version of the French campaign of 1940. In these tutorial videos, they show you not only the building process with many tips and tricks but especially the painting and weathering of the popular Panzergrau colour.
This includes the pre-shading, colour modulation or rust and mud imitation.  

Me 262 Schwalbe
In the same way, we will introduce you to the building process of the model of the first fighter jet in the world, the Me 262 Schwalbe.
You will get acquainted in detail, for example, with riveting the surface of the model. The video makers introduce you to how to work with resin parts or how to faithfully represent the cockpit of an aircraft. The selected camouflage and marking will represent the aircraft from the days of May 1945. 

The team behind Plastic Invasion:
Pavel Beránek is a lifetime modeller and CEO of Plastic Invasion, a publishing company based in Prague, Czech Republic. For more than four years they have been working on a unique guide collection for both beginner and advanced scale modellers. One that Pavel always wanted to have for himself.
In all aspects of this monograph, in cooperation with some of the top figures painters around the world, who have won many prestigious awards. 

So what am I signing up for?
Nothing at the moment! The package, when finished will contain one book on Scale Modelling WW2 German Camouflage Uniforms in 1/35th scale. 

Separately, there will be four step by step instructional videos from the team (two of which we looked at above.) 

The project is in motion, and still not complete, but by heading over to their information sign up page you will be informed as soon as possible about the rest of the project's details.

To see more about this campaign and see the book and video previews look at their main page...

If you like what you see here sign up to find out more information on their Kickstarter campaign (it is a simple mail newsletter with no obligations at all) check out this link