April 30, 2022

Preview: The REAL "Ghost of Kyiv" appears in model form from ICM

The story of the "Ghost of Kyiv" & his fate are up for scrutiny, but the effect he has had on Ukraine & people from around the world is undisputed. His legend has inspired ICM to make a kit with Ukrainian digital camo & some proceeds going to the Ukrainian defence forces. Find out about the Ghost, & the kit in our preview...

Preview: The REAL "Ghost of Kyiv" appears in model form from ICM

Ghost of Kyiv
From ICM
1:72nd scale
Model #72140
82 parts
A special "Ghost" digital decal is included
The subject - the "Ghost of Kyiv" & his MiG-29
ICM is bringing us a kit portraying one of the myths of the war over Ukraine. The "Ghost of Kyiv" was a story from the start of the Russian Invasion in March, with the tale of a brave Ukrainian MiG-29 pilot who shot down gained worldwide fame after shooting down 5 or 10 - depending on your source -  Russian aircraft on the first day of the invasion. “People call him the Ghost of Kyiv. And rightly so,” the Ukrainian government had said at the time.
Footage of the Mig shooting down Russian aircraft spread around the internet like wildfire, and although later on it was said the footage that was created in flight simulator DCS was not real, it was said it was created to pay homage to this now legendary pilot's skill and nerves.
Reports have come in today that the "Ghost", after shooting down as many as 40 Russian aircraft, was identified as Major Stepan Tarabalka, a 29-year-old father of one. A UK newspaper also said that the Tarabalka, whilst flying a MiG-29, was shot down on March 13 while battling an “overwhelming” number of enemy forces. His final tally of enemy aircraft is rumoured to be around 40 enemy aircraft & helicopters.
Although the facts about the pilot & his exploits are under scrutiny and we will never be sure of many of them, we are sure that the legend has inspired many Ukrainians and citizens of the world alike.

The kit: 1/72nd scale MiG-29 "Ghost of Kyiv" kit
ICM has sent out a post on their FB page telling of the kit's expected arrival in May.
It turns out this is their previous kit, no 72141 "Mikoyan-29 “9-13”" model that was released in 2017. The kit is updated with two large decal sheets. One with a decal with technical stencils, with another of the "pixel" camo of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

ICM have said they will be donating  50% of the funds from purchases of the kit to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

Due in May, you can find out about ICM's other releases on the ICM plastic model kits website