May 03, 2022

Prview: Andrea Miniatures new "Unternehmen Barbarossa, 1941 Obergefreiter" figure in both 16th & 35th scales...

Andrea Miniatures new figure "Unternehmen Barbarossa, 1941 Obergefreiter" from the "Eisernes Kreuz" series has just been released. It really did remind us of a famous set of WWII photographs. So we dug these shots, along with info on the new figures, for our preview...
From Eisernes Kreuz Figure Experience

Unternehmen Barbarossa, 1941 Obergefreiter 
From the Eisernes Kreuz Series
From Andrea Miniatures
available in both 1/35th & 1/16th scales
Scenic Base included
Andrea Miniatures' new figure of an "Unternehmen Barbarossa, 1941 Obergefreiter" or literally "Operation Barbarossa, 1941 Lance Corporal" is the latest in the ultra-realistic sculpt series called the Eisernes Kreuz Figure Experience. The new figure is modelled after a famous photo, and sculpted in two scales, we look at the figure in both scales, but first, the subject that it is modelled on...

The photo this figure was undoubtedly inspired from...
The subject: 
The figure from Andrea took us instantly to its photo of a wartime German soldier in the Wehrmacht, throwing a grenade or Stielhandgranate. It turns out that after some research there are a few photos of this man and his Kameraden next to him. The photo series was from the newspaper "Neueste Zeitung". Das Innsbrucker Abendblatt ( the The Innsbruck evening paper) dated 09/04/1941.

The less-often seen photo with  a second soldier next to the corporal
The caption from this photo reads "Deutsche Heer Obergefreiter (German Army Senior Lance-Corporal) prepares to throw a Model 24 Stielhandgranate (Stick Hand Grenade) while he is covered by another Gefreiter (Private) with a Mauser Karabiner 98 Kurz (Model 1898 Kurz Carbine) in a staged propaganda photo during the invasion of the Soviet Union."

More photos from this series...
The Model 24 grenade and the Mauser 98k are ubiquitous and famous German infantry weapons. Both soldiers have Model 1938 gas mask canisters. The Model 24 Stielhandgranate had a hollow wooden handle and required the fuse to be set before it could be operated. Grenades were shipped without fuses and were assembled before the battle. Seven grenades could be tied together to form a charge to blow throw barbed wire or light defences. 
The soldier carries the Karabiner 98krifle - the "Soldier's bride" as it was sometimes called. It was introduced in 1935, replacing the Gewehr 98, the Mauser rifle used in World War I. Germany manufactured 14.6 million Karabiner 98k rifles during World War II. Despite attempts to replace it with faster-firing automatic weapons, the Karabiner 98k served as the standard German infantry weapon throughout the war.

A kit in two scales & finishes?
There are two versions of this kit. One in 16th scale, the other in 35th scale. There are also two options to receive the kit in. unpainted & painted versions:
The regular version of the kit:
Made up of white metal and resin. The kit will need to be assembled and painted in this version, but it is a hell of a lot cheaper for the guy who actually wants to make it for him/herself. The kit comes with a base and the Unternehmen Barbarossa, 1941 Obergefreiter figure.

Unternehmen Barbarossa, 1941 Obergefreiter 
From the Eisernes Kreuz Series
From Andrea Miniatures
Kit No #EK35-F013
1/35th scale
Scenic Base included
Unassembled, unpainted figure: €21
Figure painted in high quality by one of Andrea Miniatures painters: €195.00
The Painted edition:
The second edition of the kit you can buy is considerably more expensive - in this second version you receive a "high quality painted kit, finished by skilled Andrea painters including full lighting and shadowing processes." these are more like a commission build quality - and at a price to match. This may not be for everyone, but please don't bother us complaining about the price - they are for only a certain amount of modellers out there who can afford this...

Unternehmen Barbarossa, 1941 Obergefreiter 
From the Eisernes Kreuz Series
From Andrea Miniatures
Kit No #EK16-F013
Scenic Base included
Unassembled, unpainted figure: €66.50
Figure painted in high quality by one of Andrea Miniatures painters: €410
We like this kit - even though the painted editions are not cheap, the figure on itself in the two scales unassembled and unpainted are quite reasonable. The fact that he comes in both scales should make a few modellers out there happy, We think we will see some of these out in the model shows soon enough...

You can see more about this kit for yourself at the Andrea Miniatures Webstore.