June 11, 2022

Book Preview: ”The Battle for Hungary 1944/1945” from Roger Hurkmans

Roger Hurkmans, one of our favourite modellers, is collaborating with Mirko Bayerl, Felipe Rodna & Ron Volstad in this new book from AMMO Publishing. We see more about this dream team's efforts in our new book preview...
Book Preview: ”The Battle for Hungary 1944/1945” from Roger Hurkmans

The Battle for Hungary 1944/1945 
Written by Roger Hurkmans, Mirko Bayerl (historical text)
Published by Ammo by Mig Jimenez
High-quality maps, illustrations by Felipe Rodna and Ron Volstad
Product Number #MIG6280
Soft cover. 
200 pages
ISBN: 9788417846664
Available in German,English,Spanish and French
Available from the AMMO Website 
Also available for Pre-Order on the Panzerwrecks Website
Roger Hurkmans and Mirko Bayerl present a new concept with this book, which combines scale modelling with history, specifically the savage combat that took place in Hungary during the final stages of World War II. 
Each chapter describes a specific episode of this campaign using a diorama, which makes it possible to convey the mood, atmosphere and the specific conditions surrounding the operations to the viewer in a clear and easy-to-understand manner; all backed by the most rigorous historical research and accompanied by high-quality photographs in full colour and black and white, maps and reference illustrations.
The historical stories written by fellow modeler and historian Mirko Bayerl are all linked to diorama’s Hurkmans has built on this subject. A separate chapter will be devoted to Mirko’s latest masterpiece Diorama!
Unique unpublished wartime photos, illustrations made by artists Felipe Rodna and Ron Volstad will enhance the book
Step by steps and a bunch of helpful images help the reader and modeller understand how these works were composed and executed, with insight into the modeller's mind of the processes as he progressed throughout the steps in the process.
The book Battle for Hungary 1944/1945 will be available in German,English,Spanish and French languages now from the AMMO Website or from the Panzerwrecks Website.