June 08, 2022

Preview: 1/35th scale AMX-50B from Amusing Hobby coming in July...

Another tank brought to promminence due to "World of Tanks" more so than its own history. Amusing hobby's version of the AMX-50B in 35th scale is soon to hit our local hobby stores. See what we know about the tank & the kit in our preview... 

Preview: 1/35th scale AMX-50B from Amusing Hobby coming in July...

AMX-50B France Heavy Tank
From Amusing Hobby
Kit No #35A049
1/35th scale
Injection moulded kit
Photo-etch included.
This kit is due for release in July.
The Subject: The AMX-50B
When the up-armoured design of the AMX 50 120 reached the weight of 64.7 tonnes, serious problems were encountered with mechanical reliability despite considerable efforts put into reinforcing the suspension.

AMX-50 Surbaissé, or Char 50t B, on trials, 1958. This vehicle was the last in the AMX M4 program, and the only one officially classified as a heavy tank
From 1956 to 1958, the concept was again redesigned and the weight was diminished to 57.8 metric tonnes. Cast hull was lowered, now under designation Surbaissé ("lowered"), and a new lighter (but also higher) turret was built as the Tourelle D (fourth type turret).

Right side profile view of the AMX-50 Heavy Tank; its German origins can clearly be seen
Unfortunately, problems with the Maybach engine were never completely solved, and the power output never reached the desired 1200 HP. Even the special design team from Germany, that came to France to assist AMX engineers did not succeed in solving the engine problems. Maximum power output that was achieved was limited to 1000 HP. Optimistically it was projected maximum speed could eventually be increased to 65 km/h. In the end, a total of only five complete AMX 50 prototypes would be constructed, including the final hull.

The AMX-50 Surbaissé, or Char 50t B at the French tank museum in Samur.

The kit from Amusing Hobby:
So usually we get "some" information from the box art of kits. The art from this kit was drawn by the talented Jason Wong - quite a force in box art and 3D design, but apart from that - there is ZERO information about the tank to glean from. Sure, we can assume one of the paint schemes from AMMO will be  a winter scheme as in the box art, but nothing more than that apart from the release date which Amusing Hobby are saying is July 2022. We will see, huh!? 
Unfortunately, no other information has been released on this release. More information on all of their kits is available from Amusing Hobby's Website...