June 06, 2022

Preview: Gecko's logs & metal hedgehogs remove the obstacles to a beach landing scene with 2 new kits

If we thought that Gecko's new 1/35th scale WWII British landing craft assault [LCA] was perfectly timed, well these two sets really ice that cake. Both in 35th scale, metal hedgehogs and logs are the beach obstacles we look at in our preview...
Preview: Gecko's logs & metal hedgehogs remove the obstacles to a beach landing scene with 2 new kits
The Subjects: Normandy & beach obstacles:
As part of Hitler's vaunted "Atlantic Wall" there were a number of larger and smaller obstacles assembled by the Germans to prevent landings on the beaches of France. Natural barriers of earth, rock, concrete walls, but mostly wood and metal were used to prevent the allied landing craft from getting a purchase on French soil. 
Wooden ramps were designed to destroy incoming landing craft. The ramps were a simple design that consisted of wooden logs arranged so that the longer of the logs was angled upwards and supported by two (and sometimes four) shorter logs.
Pointed towards the beach, this configuration would flip over small craft and send their occupants into the cold water of the English Channel. Although mines were sometimes added to the tip of the longer log, exposure to salt water often corroded these explosives and they were not as effective as originally planned.
Metal hedgehogs consisted of three steel beams that were crossed at their centres and welded together. This simple yet effective design functioned by preventing the Allied attackers a clear and easy path to the beaches. Even if the incoming landing craft could see and avoid the hedgehogs hidden underwater (most obstacles were placed between the low and high waterlines), those that were above the waterline hindered landing operations and clogged the beach.
Although the hedgehogs provided the attacking forces with a small amount of cover from German fire, this "advantage" was insignificant compared to the problems created by their presence.
Ironically, the steel beams of the hedgehogs (and other steel-based obstacles) were later used to outfit Allied tanks with devices used to cut through the thick hedgerows that were slowing down the Allied drive into France.

The Kits: 
Two new kits from Gecko are newly tooled, and apart from the box-art, we really do not know too much about them. We do know that five obstacles are in each kit. We do know that they are perfectly timed for a D-Day release. These two will probably hit our shelves in about August.
Normandy Beach Log Ramp set
Gecko Models
1/35th scale
Kit No #35GM0083
The kit consists of plastic injection parts & Photo-etch metal.
Five beach obstacles are included in side this kit

Normandy Beach Hedgehog set
Gecko Models
1/35th scale
Kit No #35GM0081
The kit consists of plastic injection parts & Photo-etch metal.
Five beach obstacles are included in side this kit

You can find out more about Gecko Models kits on their website