June 20, 2022

Preview: Masterbox goes back to the classical battles of Greece with their new kits of June 2022.

In a break from their Ukraine-based new figure sets, Masterbox provide us with the next three in the seven set of soldiers fighting in the Greco-Persian wars of 500-449 BC. We have info & images of the figures in CAD in our preview...

Preview: Masterbox goes back to the classical battles of Greece with their new kits of June 2022.

The high popularity of this topic among modellers who are fond of historical miniatures has incentivised Masterbox to take on the topic of ancient history. The choice of 1/32nd scale instead of 1/35th, which is more familiar to modellers, is also due to the popularity of this scale among fans of historical miniatures, where this scale (54mm) is more familiar.

The arms and armour of a Greek Hoplite
The series of figures was created on the basis of the Greco-Persian wars of 500-449 BC, when the Greek city-states stopped the expansion of Achaemenid Persia, and the ancient Greek civilization entered a period of prosperity and its highest cultural achievements.
The series consists of seven kits: three Greek hoplites, two peltasts and three Persian warriors - mounted, foot and heavy archer. All figures of the series are made at a high artistic level and almost represent a very high-level sculptural miniature.

"Greco-Persian Wars Series. Hoplite. Kit № 1"
From Master Box
Kit No. #32011 
1/32nd scale.
The kit contains one figure of a hoplite.
As part of the seven figure set of soldiers depicting a scene of fighting during the  Greco-Persian wars of 500-449 BC. This citizen soldier "Hoplite" is seen below in CAD form in the pose that he comes in plastic form, bracing his shield arm as he stands ready to thrust forward at the enemy.
Seen from the rear, his armour and sward (called a Xiphos) are present, while the musculature and the horse hairs on his helmet look detailed enough. Let's hope the plastic ends up looking like the 3D sculpture!
The rear of the box art package shows us the parts of the kit and painting instructions, although you could well make this kit into anything and any colours that you like!

"Greco-Persian Wars Series. Hoplite. Kit № 2"
From Master Box
Kit No. #32012
1/32nd scale.
The kit contains one figure of a hoplite.
Sculpted and moulded in plastic in 1/32nd scale, the second hoplite in the seven figure series is seen looking very much like the first soldier we looked at, but this one is thrusting his spear (called their dory or doru The word "dory" was first attested by Homer with the meanings of "wood" and "spear").
You can see from the other side, the spearman's right hand is trust fully forward in a more aggressive pose than his comrade civilian soldier. The large horse's hair spiked on the helmet, the leg guards and leather armour on his torso look natural and follow the form of his torso as he thrusts forward.
As usual, a full painting and instruction guide is offered in the simple map on the rear of the box art.

"Greco-Persian Wars Series. Hoplite. Kit № 3"
From Master Box
Kit No. #32013
1/32nd scale.
The kit contains one figure of a hoplite.
This Hoplite is seen holding his Hoplon or shield, also called aspis, to which the Hoplites are named after, high as he stabs or stands ready to attack the unknown protagonist with his Dory.
Again this soldier Hoplite has all the usual gear, from the sandals and greaves, the leather under armour and breastplate, xiphos, doru & hoplon along with his grand helmet giving him that aggressive look.
We see the painted figure look in the instructions on the rear. As with the other figures, you could make this in any colours you choose.
Look for these two new figures in the exciting new series in Masterbox's Distributor stores in sometime later this month.