June 27, 2022

Preview: New resin figures & add-ons for your 35th scale kits from Panzer Art...

Panzer Art has brand new figure sets and some insulation for your 35th scale dioramas this month. We take a good look at them to see all the detail included in our preview...

Preview: New resin figures & add-ons for your 35th scale kits from Panzer Art...

Panzer Art is introducing a new range of improvements for any of your AFVs and figures to flesh them out in June, Just in time for the World Hobby Expo if you are going!

Links to each and prices are, of course, provided in the text below.

Leyland “Retriever” canvas cover
From Panzer Art
1/35th scale
Product ID: 6659
Cast in grey resin, unassembled, unpainted.
Price: 5.99 €
A quilted blanket cover for your cold weather scene for your Leyland “Retriever” replicating the canvas stitched appearance and weight of the cover. 

Willys “Jeep” winter canvas cover
From Panzer Art
1/35th scale
Cast in grey resin, unassembled, unpainted.
Price: 11.99 €
This canvas cover was improvised in field to provide some anti-freeze protection from their soldier's Willys Jeep. An interesting hotch-potch of quilted thick material to ensure the radiator and oil did not freeze and seize the engine. Especially after the engine has been shut off for a while.

Soviet tankers at rest set
From Panzer Art
1/35th scale
Cast in grey resin, unassembled, unpainted.
Price: 29.50 €
These two Soviet-era WWII tankers are seen taking a much needed rest from the fighting at the front. Wearing warm weather gear, they are sold as a set of two in grey resin, unconstructed, of course! These are also sold as single figures.

Soviet tanker at rest No.1
From Panzer Art
1/35th scale
Cast in grey resin, unassembled, unpainted.
Price: 15.50 €
This first soldier of the two-figure Soviet tankers at rest set looks dressed for warm weather. Top down, from his padded tanker's helmet to not only keep him warm, but more importantly to stop his head bumping objects in his crowded tank, to his padded quilted tanker's jacket and re-enforced knee'd pants that are tucked into his high fur-lined boots. Not only this, but a bottle of something (?) your guess is as good as mine, maybe this will keep him warm while he's not at work?

Soviet tanker at rest No.2
From Panzer Art
1/35th scale
Cast in grey resin, unassembled, unpainted.
Price: 15.50 €
This second tanker in the set is sold also as a single, and he is wearing just as much winter gear as his comrade. His fur-line Ushanka hat is flapping to the side or folded up, your choice, while his padded WW2 Russian M41 Winter Telogreika jacket is open to reveal his tunic underneath at the neck. His belt tapers his jacket at the waist that sits over his padded pants that tuck neatly into his Valenki wool/ felt boots. He is also holding a bottle of something or other :-) .

German fallschirmjägers Italy set
From Panzer Art
1/35th scale
Cast in grey resin, unassembled, unpainted.
Price: 29.50 €
These two soldiers of the Luftwaffe are seen in very typical Italian campaign outfits. Sold as a set of two figures here, or alternatively as singles, they are both cast in resin in 35th scale.

German Fallschirmjäger Italy No.1
From Panzer Art
1/35th scale
Cast in grey resin, unassembled, unpainted.
Price: 15.50 €
The fist of the two soldiers in this set is a Fallschirmjager veteran by the look of his dishevelled appearance. The angle of his helmet, the gaunt look on his thin face and cigarette hanging from his mouth are highlighted by the stare on his face. Maybe it is just the sculpting and bare resin that this figure comes in, but he has a haunted look about him.

German Fallschirmjäger Italy No.2
From Panzer Art
1/35th scale
Cast in grey resin, unassembled, unpainted.
Price: 15.50 €
Like his comrade, also sold as a single or the set in a pair. This figure comes unassembled in light grey resin. He is wearing the same Fallschirmjäger jump smock and trousers with his boots tucked over them. He has no helmet on, but he is holding it in his right hand. You can even see the lining sculpted into it! (wow). His stick grenades hang precariously from the packet of his jacket, while his rifle is stowed at his right side, attached by the strap. Both of these figures are also carrying carefully sculpted pistol holsters, bread bag, flask, ammo pouches on their battledress.

All of these are now available through Panzer Art's website or from their distributors.
The team from Panzer Art will be at this weekend's World Model Expo 2022. They would love you to come to look at their gear if you get the chance to go. The map is underneath to show you their location at the show...