June 23, 2022

Tell your friends to help you get a bonus! Plastic Invasion's stretch goals for all are close....

The team at Plastic Invasion is into their last 48 hours of their drive. Now they push on to involve more modellers to share in bonus perks if they reach their "stretch goal". Check out their video & info to see what's still on offer for all in this campaign...
Tell your friends to help you get a bonus! Plastic Invasion's stretch goals for all are close....

Many of you are aware of Plastic Invasion's Kickstarter campaign that we recently looked at here on TMN.The opportunity to bag this new book, videos, exclusive photo walk arounds, artifacts is in its last day.
After smashing through the funding goal in just two weeks, they are at almost 150% of their initial target and approaching the final hours of the Kickstarter. There are still goodies to be claimed by buy in before the offer ends!

There is still a final battle to be fought. Plastic Invasion & a hoard of modellers who backed the campaign are close to reaching the stretch goal. Hopefully, they will surpass it and be able to bring a photo series and digital walk-around of the DKW NZ 350-1 motorcycle to EVERYONE who supported them!
Here is the video:

Stretch goals!
The next goal of the campaign plans to open up a "stretch goal" - for those unfamiliar with stretch goals on Kickstarter, it means that if the stretch goal is reached, Plastic Invasion give additional content to EVERYONE who backed them as a bonus for free. Here is a video describing the reward for the stretch goal...
As you heard in the video, if the Plastic Invasion team reach 25,000 dollars (very close to this mark), plastic Invasion will include the bonuses of the  DKW NZ 350-1 extras! 

This particular motorcycle lived through World War II and actually rode in Normandy during World War II. It's also a star of the Normandy chapter in our book where they talk about the Pea dot pattern.

The bonus includes:
Series of studio photos
Series of reenactment photos
Digital walk-around
All of this will be given to everyone who pledged in the Kickstarter campaign as a free update to your tiers. So maybe it's a good time to tell your friends about this campaign and everyone will benefit!   

There is only 48 hours left to join the campaign! Check it out at this link.